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There is a new ebook out on Respiratory Management of Newborns, available for free by an open-access published, and edited by professor Hesham Abdel-Hady, @hehady who is also a 99nicu Team members since years.

In the book, you'll learn multiple new aspects of respiratory management of the newborn. For example, ventilator management of infants with unusually severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia and infants with omphalocele is discussed, as well as positioning of endotracheal tube in extremely low birth weight infants, noninvasive respiratory support, utilization of a protocol-driven respiratory management, and more.

Further, the book includes a chapter on noninvasive respiratory function monitoring during chest compression, analyzing the efficacy and quality of chest compression and exhaled carbon dioxide. It also provides an overview on new trends in the management of fetal and transitioning lungs in infants delivered prematurely.

Lastly, the book includes a chapter on neonatal encephalopathy treated with hypothermia along with mechanical ventilation. The interaction of cooling with respiration and the strategies to optimize oxygenation and ventilation in asphyxiated newborns are discussed.

You can access the book on this URL: http://www.intechopen.com/books/respiratory-management-of-newborns


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Many thanks for this resource, to reflect appreciation I would urge those downloading this publication to consider a donation to the 99nicu 10 year anniversary appeal.

Best wishes to all


Stefan Johansson


@ali thanks for you comment and for you donation too :)

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