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  • Join our Virtual Journal Club Meetup on neonatal airway management, 9 June 1630-1715 CET

    Join our Webinar Journal Club on neonatal airway management, 9 June at 1630-1715 CET

    After the initial Journal Club on neonatal airway management in our forum, we would like to engage with you in a live Webinar together with Joyce E O'Shea, Alexandra Scrivens, Gemma Edwards, and Charles Christoph Roehr, the authors of review article on "Safe emergency neonatal airway management: current challenges and potential approaches".

    The review article examines how to acutely manage the neonatal airway, and the challenges related facemask ventilation and intubation. 

    In this 45min Webinar Journal Club, we will discuss the following three topics:

    • emergency airway management
    • elective airway management
    • who should do/train what

    Click here to register !

    On 9 June and once registered on the link above, click here to access the webinar!




    Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 21.42.59.pngJoyce O’Shea - born and educated in Cork, Ireland. Paediatric and neonatal training has been between Ireland, Scotland and Australia. Developed an interest in neonatal resuscitation and airway management especially intubation when working as a research fellow at the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne. Has worked since 2014 as a neonatal consultant at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland. Continues to be passionate about making airway management as safe as possible for infants and neonatal trainees. 

    Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 21.42.26.pngCharles Christoph Roehr, M.D., PhD. Associate Professor - the Clinical Director of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit - Clinical Trials Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, with a strong interest in studies which answer clinically relevant questions. Clinically, Charles works as an Academic Consultant Neonatologist at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. His own research interests centre around understanding the cardio-respiratory adaptation during fetal-to-neontal transition and on how to best support the newly born infant. A strong proponent of evidence-based neonatology, he acts as the NLS Scientific Co-Chair and guideline author for the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and is a member of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) neonatal guideline writing group. Charles also serves as President of the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR).

    Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 21.42.44.pngGemma Edwards – ST5 paediatric trainee in the West of Scotland. Studied in Dundee and has worked in Glasgow for 7 years. Has worked on projects looking at neonatal intubation over the last three years and particularly interested in ways to support trainees with airway management skills.

    Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 21.45.30.pngAlexandra Scrivens - ST6 neonatal GRID trainee (first year fellow equivalent) in Oxford, UK. Previously clinical research fellow for the NeoCLEAR study. Am a social media editor for EBNEO and trainee representative on the resuscitation council UK NLS subcommittee. Main areas of interest are procedures, resuscitation, decision-making and respiratory care of term and preterm babies. Enjoy trail running, paddleboarding and spending as much time outdoors as possible!


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