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The last days have brought fears and sorrows to thousands of homes worldwide. We encourage you to support verified organizations bringing help to children in Ukraine. 

You can support the Emergency Fund of Save the Children Foundation, which provides essential humanitarian help to children and their families. Also, UNICEF has launched an emergency response fund to support children in Ukraine. 

If you are aware of any fundraiser specifically aim to support Ukrainian neonatal or pediatric patients, please let us know.

Stay safe.

99nicu.org Team

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Monica Surdu


Do you have some contacts from neonatologist from there? There are on the platform? We can accept neonates în nicu.



Does anyone know if an evacuation would be possible? I have seen a heartbreaking video with neonates beeing ventilated manually in a basement. How can we help? What is needed where? 

Stefan Johansson


@NHowold @Monica Surdu thanks for your posts. I believe circumstances are very challenging, right now.

Would be great if we can connect with something like a neonatal society in Ukraine, but I myself have no such connections. But we do some research. If anyone knows more - please share

One thing - we have been in touch with a startup called Neolooksolutions, they have a platform for connecting over mobile phones (like distance consultations). @Marco D'Agata (marco.dagata@neolooksolutions.com) emailed me and offered use of their platform. Connect with Marco over email if you have an idea how their platform can help.

Monica Surdu


I talked to @Tetiana . They are too far from us. 800km on road. 

It is practically impossible to evacuate them by air, and it is too far on the road.

I also try to get in touch with closer regions, such as Odessa.

I will mail to @Marco D'Agata to see how we can stay in touch with them.



Polish Neonatal Society is in touch with the Ukrainian society, and they are raising money for disposable equipment for the units and also for arranging evacuation if needed. The situation there is dynamic. I’m talking with the creator of the fundraiser to provide description in English so I can share it with you. 




I am a neonatologist  in tertiary level hospital in Kaunas, Lithuania. If Polish hospitals are overcrowded with sick newborns from Ukraine, we could arrange admission to our hospital for the treatment. It depends on the distance.




Our Hope for HIE families very much want to help in any way possible and are looking for direct ways to donate to assist impacted NICUs. @piatkat - Please tag me with more information so I can pass along. Thank you!

Stefan Johansson


Dear all, we are setting up a dedicated space here on 99nicu about Support to NICUs in Ukraine, see link below. Any member can go there and post new threads and comments to.

We are also seeking contact directly with staff in Ukraine on needs/requests and we also look into pathways for deliveries (through Poland?)




Monica Surdu


@Stefan Johanssonwe are ready to take the babies in România, and I think so is Poland. The big problem we face is road safety.

They all need help. The children's hospital in Kyiv is also moved to the bunker.

We are deeply concerned about how they will procure what they need to continue treating the babies. We know that the wounded are a priority at this time.

We must try to find a solution for them.



It's great to see so many responses here.

First we need to learn what are their actual needs right now. Through Polish Neonatal Society we are trying to understand how we -as international community- can provide support to them. We need to remember that most likely this invasion will take a while, and we need to be able to respond to their evolving needs. 



12 hours ago, BetsyP said:

Our Hope for HIE families very much want to help in any way possible and are looking for direct ways to donate to assist impacted NICUs. @piatkat - Please tag me with more information so I can pass along. Thank you!

Hi @BetsyP, thanks for reaching out! I listed some possibilities here: https://99nicu.org/clubs/page/4-donate/ . I think that supporting the cause via the Polish page is right now the easiest one- this money will reach the Polish team soon and they can shop and plan transportation accordingly. It seems that the collection box is "full", but the objective was rather low at the start, so it is ok to contribute: https://pomagam.pl/en/ccdr4w?fbclid=IwAR0jKqCo96_Yr1e26Ft7ks-QS1FkcjM7UgIzuFi0CTvbnjhKIaPSD7b6eFg

Stefan Johansson


Dear all, we have opened a dedicated space for all discussions and info about NICU support to Ukraine.

Please go there for comments and questions, and info-sharing


Jelli KA


Dear All,
Another organization helping Ukraine is UN World Food Program via their app Share a Meal. They have created a dedicated space -

just clink on the link below x more

#ShareTheMeal App   

donate online or download the app on Apple or Android.

@piatkat. @Stefan Johansson


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