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Good .We can know many things which are not good just by observing others doing it and learning from it!!!



I think Dr. House is good doctor and sometimes we can see in the deep of his heart he is good man too . But he never believes to anybody. I think its not normal . As a doctor I gain more things from this TV serial .

Stefan Johansson


I think Dr. House is good doctor and sometimes we can see in the deep of his heart he is good man too . But he never believes to anybody. I think its not normal . As a doctor I gain more things from this TV serial .

I kind of agree, House is a good diagnostician and it is easy to laugh at his "jargong". But I wished he could "get a life", with Cuddy for example.

Francesco Cardona


I enjoyed the first season of the series. The character of Dr. House is great and in some of his words lie utter disturbing truths. I stopped watching though as the medicine is partially so bad and senseless I gave up on it... The psychologic aspects of the series are great though!

For the interested I recommend this link as background to the medicine in the series


Stefan Johansson


@fcardona I completely agree, one gets feed up. But I watch only to keep the family company :)

The link is great! I read about the medical advisor in BMJ recently, cannot find the link now though.

Mad Men, that's my series now!

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