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First 13 confirmed speakers at our Meetup 2019!

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We now have 13 confirmed speakers for the Copenhagen Meetup 7-10 April next year!

Generally, we'll stick to the successful format we have had at the previous meetings: 45 min slots split into a 30 min lecture and a 15 min discussion. We'll continue to use the sli.do smartphone app to facilitate the discussion and allow every delegate to share questions and comments.

In addition to the lecture program 7-9 April, we are also planning workhops and mini-symposia on the 10th of April. We'll share more info about those soonish, but if you want ONE cliff-hanger... we plan one symposium about the infant microbiome etc-etc :) 

Confirmed topics and speakers

  • Neonatal transports - safe and easy, Morten Breindahl (Sweden)
  • Treating pain in neonates, Karel Allegaert (Belgium)
  • How to improve quality on the NICU, Joseph Kaempf (US)
  • Hyperglycemia - how to manage and why, Kathryn Beardsal (UK)
  • Why we should rehearse simulated scenarios, Ruth Gottstein (UK)
  • Go with the (high) flow, Brett Manley (Australia)
  • News in the updated ESPGHAN guidelines, Nadja Haiden ( Austria)
  • Prevention of BPD, Christian Poets (Germany)
  • The many inotropes - what to use when, Yogen Singh (UK)
  • Cord Clamping, 1.0 and 2.0, Ola Andersson (Sweden)
  • When NEC rates persist , despite everything done “Right”, Ravi Patel (US)
  • Outcomes in infants surviving at the limit of viability, Ulrika Ådén (Sweden)
  • Ethical decision making around the limit of viability, Gorm Greisen (Denmark)


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