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Scrutinizing the near-final programme for EBNEO 2013...

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I am just reading the yet unofficial and near-final programme for the 2nd EBNEO-conference, scheduled 13-16 March 2013 in Egypt.

Topics will (probably) include:

  • Mode of delivery and morbidity in the preterm infant?

  • Developing a cheap surfactant for the third world โ€“ planning stages of a large RCT
  • Survival without disability to age 5 years after neonatal caffeine therapy for apnea of prematurity
  • Resuscitation of the preterm infant
  • Implementation of evidence based neonatology - the EPICE project
  • Economic outcomes of prematurity
  • Follow up of high-risk infants

Stay tuned :)

the conference web site (where you can also register): www.ebneo2013.com

1 Comment

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the programme is good and practical too. as it is not feasible for all to attend the conference, is it possible to download all the lectures after the conference on nicu 99 for benefit of neonatologists who can not make to attend the confernce.

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