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IPOKRaTES Clinical Seminar: Nutrition for Preterm Infants: Where are we now and what is the future?


IPOKRaTES seminars provide high quality postgraduate education which enables professionals to keep abreast of the most recent developments and offer participants the opportunity to discuss clinical problems or scientific issues personally with international experts.

This program will focus on:

1. Discuss current controversies related to nutrition of the neonate such as   donor milk use, parenteral nutrition strategies, enteral nutrition composition   and advancement, microbial therapeutics and optimization of breast feeding.

2. Appraise recent research related to optimization of nutrition for preterm   infants.

3. Discuss implementation strategies for scientifically based nutritional guidelines.

4. Summarize recent advances in technology for evaluation of intestinal function.

5. Generate novel research roadmaps for early recognition and prevention of   adverse outcomes such as “Necrotizing Enterocolitis”, “Bronchopulmonary   Dysplasia,”, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Late Onset Sepsis and Growth Failure   in preterm infants using artificial intelligence/machine learning and multiomic   integration.

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