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21st Annual Western Perinatal Research Meeting, February 14 - 16, 2013 Banff, Alberta, Canada

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Delving into Diversity and Disciplinary Discoveries: an interdisciplinary and discipline-specific exploration of advances in perinatal health research

This year’s program promises to be a unique mix of interdisciplinary collaboration as well as anopportunity for discipline-specific sub-groups to share the latest developments in their own fields.While the conference has been shortened to three days, we will offer outstanding and internationally renowned guest speakers and provide plenty of time for presenta9on of abstracts inboth oral and poster formats. New this year, in addition to two half-days of interdisciplinary plenarysessions, we are introducing four discipline-specific subgroups.

The many disciplines represented at our meeting will be divided as follows:

* Newborn Health

* Pregnancy & Birth

* Neuroscience

* Population Health


These groups will meet concurrently on Friday February 15th for a full day of presentations by leadersin the field, research updates as well as oral and poster presentations of accepted abstracts.

Newborn Health day February 15th 2013

Target Audience: Trainees in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Pediatric Residents, Neonatologist,Respiratory Therapist, Registered Nurses, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners and Health care providers inLevel I and II Hospital.

Abstract submission: All participants are invited to present their research in Newborn Health.Abstract deadline: 30th of November 2012



* Gain new insights into physiological changes of hemodynamic (e.g. heart rate, oxygen saturation,circulatory) pulmonary (e.g. exhaled CO2) and neurological (aEEG, NIRS) parameters during neonataltransi9on

* Translate the knowledge of physiological changes at birth to support newly born infants during theresuscita9on and immediate post resuscitation period

* Present own research to an international faculty


The neonatal day aims to provide a platform for everybody involved in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicineto present their research in Newborn Health as well as Neonatal Resuscitation Research. All areinvited to submit their abstracts to be presented at the 21st Western Perinatal Research Meeting.

An international invited faculty (Norway, USA, Spain, Austria, Canada) will present updates onphysiological changes during neonatal transition and how this can be used to support newly borninfants who need resuscitation.

Current understanding of physiological changes of heart rate, oxygen saturation and their correlationwith Near-infrared spectroscopy will be discussed. The technique of using an oximeter to measureheart rate and SpO2 immediately after birth and using this to adjust the FiO2 will be practiced. Wewill demonstrate how lung aeration can be assessed during positive pressure ventilation and willdiscuss the unique breathing patterns of term and preterm infants and the importance of PEEP andprolonged inflations to facilitate lung aeration. In a further session we will demonstrate how deliveryroom interventions can affect cardio-vascular and neurological changes during neonatal transition.


Questions & Contact: Christine Ens: cens@ualberta.ca , Phone: 780.492.2773

WPRM 2013.pdf

Edited by fcardona
corrected email-address

  • Author
Thanks Georg for the information. I added your conference in our calendar as well.

Can you verify the contact email address?

Hi Franceso,

the email address cens@ualberta.ca is correct



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