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Hello, what is the general consensus of the use of bicarbonate in your NICU's.

Do you use it often? Continuos infusion? Bolus?

Thank you!

Greetings from Mexico City


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We hardly use it anymore. There seems to be no evidence that administration of bicarbonate improves outcome. In fact, it can be detrimental. Wat does improve outcome is adequate treatment of the underlying cause of acidemia.


Best regards

Christ-jan van Ganzewinkel

Neonatal Nurse Practitioner


Máxima Medical Centre, Veldhoven

The Netherlands

  • 4 weeks later...

A Term baby, out-born with perinatal asphyxia was referred to our unit at 2hrs of life.

Initial examination findings

HR 136/min; RR: 88/min; NIBPmean: 36mmHg; SPo2:94% with 2L/min O2 through head box, CFT=2sec, warm

Initial blood gases revealed metabolic acidosis with pH of 7.167, PCO2-34.9;HCO3-13.6 and BE of -16.

Should i correct the metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate?

Edited by sageaugie

Initial blood gases revealed metabolic acidosis with pH of 7.167, PCO2-34.9;HCO3-13.6 and BE of -16.

Should i correct the metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate?

I'd would say, wait and see/re-check the blood gas.

I am in favour of giving NS bolus 10ml/kg over 30 minute ,ask for functional echocardiography and cardiac support if required .Repeat ABG after a hour or two.W/F cardic function and renal function if normal.this might help to correct metabolic acidosis.rRespiratory function looks to be good.


we use boluses, very few pts once recieving bicarb ever have a chance ,most dont improve esp critical patients, though we had to use it in a few with renal failure when the results were bettter clinically,

Earlier, we often used bicarbonate infusion for correction of metabolic acidosis. Sometimes we use prolonged infusion with low speed of infusion.

The effect of iv bicarbonate is very doubtful. You may see improvements in your analysis but as often without any improvements in clinic

  • 2 weeks later...

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