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I am looking for deffination of still born...Do we have any reference related to those who are born almost like a still born(with 10-20 heart rate) and could not be resuscitated by NRP protocol effectively in next 20 minutes or so...are they also in still born category ? Kindly provide reference.

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Here's an article with definitions of various perinatal terms, incl stillbirth: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1732966/

In Sweden stillbirth is defined as lack of any heart rate or breathing, which means that a baby with heart beats is live born even if the baby (for some reason, incl extreme immaturity) is not actively resuscitated.

In Sweden, stillbirths are defined in the official statistiscs from week 22+0, and regardless of birth weight. Before w22+0, births are categorized as miscarriagies.

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  • 8 months later...

How can you describe a neonate without hearth beats and no breath from birth that only after 10 minutes of resusitation present a hearth rate of 30 bpm for 1 min and then stopped, even continuing resusitation? Stillbirth or neonatal death? All steps of resusitation were done according to AAP...

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  • 5 months later...

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