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Meconium Aspiration syndrome


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Just my personal experience - know where you have chest tubings. As you know - pneumothorax is common in MAS and my personal experience is that the risk if higher in those needing surfactant. Probably more due to disease severity and probably less due to the surfactant itself.

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  • 4 years later...
Hello everyone, I would like to know what you think of this case
a patient with meconium aspiration syndrome, which developed pulmonary hypertension. It is found in high frequency with a draguer v500. 4000g weight
with the following setting, 6hz 16 map 80fio2 deltap 50, dco2 800,
with good oxygenation but persistence of hypercapnia. what allowed me to download fio2 and map but not the rest.
What strategy would you use?
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@juan carlos vidal sorry that I did not see that you posted this question in this thread - but have shared over our social channels now.

Anyway, it seems that you have adjusted the HFV as possible, with reduced freq and a higher d-P. Does your ventilator give tidal volumes? What approx levels of PCO2 (kPa) do you have? Have you tested regular tidal support, like SIPPV?


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