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Guest Agnieszka Domanska

We have succesfully treated congenital chylothorax with somatostatin, I will send you soon some links to articles published recently.

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Guest Agnieszka Domanska

Chest. 1999 Sep;116(3):682-7. Links

Chylothorax in children: guidelines for diagnosis and management.Büttiker V, Fanconi S, Burger R.

And here are some more publications that may help you, the first one comes from our site

1: Eur J Pediatr. 2005 Mar;164(3):195-6. Epub 2004 Dec 21. Links

Somatostatin treatment of spontaneous chylothorax in an extremely low birth weight infant.Lauterbach R, Sczaniecka B, Koziol J, Knapczyk M.

PMID: 15611854 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

2: J Paediatr Child Health. 2006 Jan-Feb;42(1-2):65-7. Links

Spontaneous neonatal chylothorax treated with octreotide.Siu SL, Lam DS.

3: J Perinatol. 2003 Oct;23(7):563-4. Links

Treatment of chylothorax in a premature infant using somatostatin.Goto M, Kawamata K, Kitano M, Watanabe K, Chiba Y.

4: An Pediatr (Barc). 2005 Sep;63(3):244-8. Links

[use of somatostatin in five neonates with chylothorax][Article in Spanish]

González Santacruz M, Tarazona Fargueta JL, Muñoz Alvarez P, Mira Navarro J, Jiménez Cobo B.

5:J Korean Med Sci. 2005 Dec;20(6):947-51. Links

Somatostatin for postoperative chylothorax after surgery for children with congenital heart disease.Lim KA, Kim SH, Huh J, Kang IS, Lee HJ, Jun TG, Park PW.

6: Intensive Care Med. 2001 Jun;27(6):1083-6. Links

Somatostatin: a new therapeutic option for the treatment of chylothorax.Buettiker V, Hug MI, Burger R, Baenziger O.

7:Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2006 Jul;30(1):49-53. Epub 2006 May 24. Links

The role of somatostatin in the treatment of persistent chylothorax in children.Cannizzaro V, Frey B, Bernet-Buettiker V.

Chest. 1999 Sep;116(3):682-7. Links

Chylothorax in children: guidelines for diagnosis and management.Büttiker V, Fanconi S, Burger R.

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