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Neonatal Fellowships Princess Anne Hospital Southampton UK

Please note we have advertised neonatal fellowships in University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust. These fellowships are starting in March 2017 for a period ranging from 6 months to 2 years on the tier 2 or 3 rota for tertiary level neonatology. Southampton currently offers training in neonatology, neonatal transport, neonatal surgery, neonatal cardiac patients and neonatal neurosurgery. Specialty input is also available in neonatal nephrology (peritoneal dialysis), neonatal endocrinology, ENT, and respiratory medicine.

Rota: At any one time there are 7 WTE ST4-8 training either in Neonatology or Paediatrics with an interest in Neonatology based on the Unit. In addition there are a number of Clinical Fellows, MTIs and ANNPs contributing to the registrar rota ( 10 WTE). All of them have had tertiary level neonatal experience.  The current rota enables a Registrar & ST1-3/ANNP for both IC/HC care and Special care and an allocated person for transport. When working or covering the Neonatal service the registrar has no other commitments. In addition a number of Academic and Clinical Fellows contribute to the out of hours component of the Unit cover.

Teaching & Training-Details of the Wessex-Oxford neonatal education programme is available on the following link http://www.wonepedu.com/Fellowships.html. A sample training programme is attached.

For further details and to apply please contact Dr Alok Sharma on aloksharma@nhs.net or call on 00447725868090


Thanking You


Yours Most Sincerely


Dr Alok Sharma

Consultant Neonatologist Princess Anne Hospital Southampton



Neonatal Education Programme2016Version4.pdf

Neonatal Fellow nov 16.pdf