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Hi all!

I would like to know, how you insert PICC -lines and how you treat them after that. Do you flush it regularly (like every 12 hours)?

We have started to insert PICC-lines and I`m about to make instructions for my colleagues.


Johanna from Finland

  • 4 weeks later...


How detail do you want your information. We have several policies regarding PICC insertion procedure, dressing application and change, removal, replacement. If you want them I can email them to you directly. Just send me you work email.

Lucie Charron

Ottawa, Canada

Dear Member,

I place picc lines on a regular basis and also teach inseration, care and maintance of the lines to staff and on a national basis. It is probably best to attend a class or have someone go to your facility to teach a 1-2 day worksohp. There are many complications that can be avoided if the knowledge is availabe.

Jean Hannan ARNP

Miami, Florida USA

Jackson Memorial Hospital

  • 1 year later...

Dear Lucie charron

We are inserting PICC line regularly now. Please mail me the detailed information regarding PICC line. My email id is manoj_potdar@yahoo.co.in.



Dear Luciecharron,

Could I pls you to send me your guideliness for PICC lines? What do you prefer- umbilical central vein line, or PICC, or peropheral lines for VLBW and ELBW infants in the first days of their life?

My email: snjezana1@hi.t-com.hr

  • 3 months later...


With our PICC lines we always run it with infusions. But since we started using the double lumen PICC, we encountered moderate numbers of blocked lumen esp. the lumen that is unused and kept KVO (1cc/hr). We use BARD products.

Did you encounter such problem? What do you do to prevent it from blocking?


email: HIbrahim@kfshrc.edu.sa

Edited by Herbs
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Do you add Heparin to your PICC fluids? We normally 1 unit of heparin/ml. Occassionally we have had to add 2 units of heparin/ml or increase the rate to 2 ml / hr if patient is not fluid restricted. Good Luck

Hi Jean,

I just want to know if you use IV contrast routinely when doing x-ray for PICC line tip placement? Do you have cases of deceiving x-ray showing proper PICC placement but then when you use IV contrast, the PICC line tip is too far deep in the heart.




  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Herb,

The PICC lines we use are radio opaque and therefore we do not use IV contrast when X/raying. We do follow x/rays 24 hours after the initial placement then if the lines are central (SVC) x/rays are generally done every 7 days. Lines can migrate over time. If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail me at jeanhannan@live.com.


  • 8 months later...

Hi Lucie

Do you have a learning package that is available to share? We are starting to put PICC lines in at bedside, and have policies/procedures etc (all now need to be updated) but no learning package for staff.

Let me know

thanks very much

Philip Hough

Orillia, Ontario, Canada


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