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we used caffeine for treatment of neonatal apneas several years ago but recently caffeine is not available in Lithuania. Using theophylline we see more adverse effects and less effectiveness. Could anybody share information about caffeine preparations(Cafcit etc). What company is a distributor or manufacturer of caffeine in EU - both intravenous and oral forms? I know that in some hospitals caffeine is prepared in hospital pharmacies.Thank you. Rasa

I am pretty sure our hospital pharmacy prepares en "ex-tempore" solution. I will see if I can find out some details regarding manufacturer of the base solution etc.

UPDATE. I spoke to our own pharmacist and I was right.

He also said that the Swedish Pharmacy Production unit accept external orders of the caffeine citrate solution (5 mg of caffeine /ml), and adviced you to contact the production unit ( info.aplsto@apoteket.se ). I have no idea about prices / regulations regarding export etc.

He also referred to more general information here: http://www.apl.apoteket.se/Engelska/index2.htm

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