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Do we need a Facebook Fan Page?

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You all know about Facebook and most of you reading this is probably members too.

Do we need our own Fan Club on Facebook?

We would be able to meet many more people. But, we have our own community here. What do you think about pros/cons?

I am not so good at Facebooking ,(inactive member...), but would you be in interested to administer a 99nicu FB Page?

BTW, I just found the fan page of Neonatology Reviews


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Hi Stefan

I'm a member of FB and I'm trying to be a member of all FB groups that are involved in Newborn car, NICU, Perinatal medicine, NICU's overseas and even some other groups like trisomies and other congenital defects..from my limited experience, and I'm not a computer savvy by all means, I found being a member of such groups, like trisomy 18, helped me really well to get close to the patient's families feelings and wishes. It's priceless to be on the other side of the medical care and see how your point of views might change..you might have been diagnosed a handfull of Tri 18 cases but once you are a member of those groups..things are so different.

Anyway, Although probably I do think we need our FB group, but it should not open to public ...at least for now probably because of some legal issues..many people can copyy paste many of the members point of views which may be different from case to case of course..good luck convincing some lawyers though !! plus your real names and times of replies and personal views etc...

Again , I'm not against or with..but more time needs to be devoted for more discussions.

Thank you much.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest jriley

The only problem with FB is maintaining confidentiality. Should we be discussing potentially sensitive issues in a public arena (FB has been shut in the UK yesterday due to hackers accessing private material!)? We have had problems with some of our staff discussing work on FB and even though they are not strictly breaking confidentiality, it is not seen as professional behaviour to discuss such matters publicly. I'm sure MOST people would be sensible but a minority are not. I feel strongly that professional issues are best discussed in this kind of arena with limited access.

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My idea was that a FB page would be a way to interact with other neonatal staff groups, to "drive" traffic here to 99nicu.org.

I do not think we should start discussing clinical problems etc on FB.

Problem - I do not use FB at all for myself... so a Fan page would need an admin.

If someone would like to volunteer administrating a Fan page on FB, we would give moral support!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I believe it is a good idea to get more exposure. I believe it should only be used to highlight current discussions on this site, so it doesn't start a life of it's own.. If you are looking for someone to maintain the page I offer to do it. I admit I check my profile almost daily and I also maintain a group page for my masters programme, so I know a little about fb.

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