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Matheus (‘Roland’) van Rens, ANP

Matheus (‘Roland’) van Rens has over thirty years clinical experience in neonatal nursing and holds a MA in Advanced Nursing Practice (Ma ANP), awarded in 2005 from Erasmus University, the Netherlands. He has worked as an advanced neonatal nurse practitioner, performing complex vascular access procedure in this patient group, developed and delivered multi-professional education activities and carried out clinical research in Europe and more recently in the Middle East. Latterly as a Clinical Director of Nursing for the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) at Women’s Wellness and Research Center, Qatar.

His research engages with issues around improving neonatal care, most notably around the broad topic of vascular access, a topic on which he has been primary investigator for several studies. With his international research collaborators and co-authors, he has presented at international conferences and published several referred journal articles concerning neonatal vascular access, infusion therapy and related technology. Currently, he is preparing for his PhD study in the Netherlands.


  • 2023 The Janet Pettit Scholar in Neonatal and/or Pediatric Vascular Access, in recognition of his contributions to the field of neonatal vascular access care..
  • Participant in the Early Career Investigator Mentoring Programme (ECIMP) coordinated by the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR). May 2023.
  • Currently PhD candidate at Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. April 2023.
  • Member of the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR) Special Interest Group: Diversity of intravenous management in Neonates.
  • Member of the Neonatal European Vascular Access Team (NEVAT).
  • Ambassador 2023 for the AANP International Ambassadors Program, by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
  • First author ‘European Standards of Care for Newborn Health: Vascular access’ for the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI), currently under revision.
  • Stars of Excellence: Rising star under the “Research” category: Effect of Implementing a PICC Team in the NICU, Doha Qatar, 27th November 2019.

  • Structured education programs for neonatal clinicians: in-house training program for foundations in neonatal intensive care (in affiliation with SickKids Toronto Canada), NICU specific annual medication safety training, a hands-on training neonatal resuscitation program (HOT-NRP).