Our Partners
The following Partners support the 99nicu.org community with unrestricted educational grants.
Read more about Partnerships at the end of this page.
Silver Partners
NEOBIOMICS is a startup company based in Sweden, member of the Innovation Incubator at Karolinska Institutet.Neobiomics was founded after community-driven discussions about the lack of a high-quality multi-strain food supplement, complying to rigorous quality assurance and quality control.In a unique collaboration with Chr. Hansen, a world-leading manufacturer of bacterial cultures, Neobiomics can now provide ProPrems® in Europe. Visit proprems.eu and neobiomics.eu for more information.
Bronze Partners
MONIVENT is a medtech company dedicated to improve the emergency ventilatory care given to newborn babies in need of respiratory support at birth.
About 3-6 % of all newborns end up in this situation, where healthcare personnel today are lacking tools to determine how effective their manual ventilation really is. Monivent® Neo100, recently launched, helps the caregiver make the necessary adjustments to ensure an effective and gentle ventilation of newborns unable to breathe spontaneously. This unique monitoring device is an add-on to existing manual ventilation equipment, wirelessly measuring several critical parameters including tidal volume.
Monivent product portfolio also contains the Monivent®Neo Training, which was released in 2017, and is used within simulation training on a manikin. Learn more on: http://monivent.se/
A shock-free birth for every baby
We are Concord Neonatal. We exist to help babies to win in the first minutes of life. Especially the ones that are born too soon or those who need extra support.
The Concord Birth Flow® with the Concord Birth Trolley® is the first step, enabling neonatal caregivers to provide lifesaving care with the umbilical cord intact for as long as needed. Close to mom, the baby gets maximum benefit from the blood from the placenta, up to the moment it is breathing on its own.
Birth can be improved. And we will do it, together with scientist, caregivers and parents around the world. Let’s get birth right!
https://concordneonatal.com/solution/ -
Strategic Partner
NEONATOLOGY TODAY is a monthly newsletter providing timely news and information to health professionals in the Neonatal Perinatal space.
NEONATOLOGY TODAY is a free monthly e-Publication published mid-month.
To receive your free qualified subscription please click here or, simply send your email to: SUBS@Neonate.biz. Be sure to include your name, title, organization and email address.
Supporting Partners give unrestricted educational grants to 99nicu. Grants are used to cover costs for maintenance, development and technical support of 99nicu. Partnerships are valid per calender year.
Various levels of partnerships gives varying degree of visibility that may include:
- dedicated News announcement on 99nicu.org
- name, URL, logotype and info-text on this Partners page
- name, URL, and logotype in "Partner slider" on the landing page 99nicu.org
- name and URL in the footer of the 99nicu Newsletter (sent out to all members ~bi-weekly)
- advertisement banner below the header on 99nicu.org
- featured email to all members
- advertisement banner in the 99nicu Newsletter
Supporting partners have permission to use the 99nicu logotype, and to communicate in external channels that the organisation/journal/company support 99nicu.
99nicu.org is a registered non-profit Society in Sweden, and grants are invoiced through 99nicu.org (Swe Tax Reg Nb 802541-9824).
If you are interested to become a Partner of 99nicu, please email info@99nicu.org