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Francesco Cardona

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Status Updates posted by Francesco Cardona

  1. Wish I were in Philly :-)

  2. Work work work

    1. Stefan Johansson

      Stefan Johansson

      Just don't do it (too much) for free. Else follow this flow chart :)


    2. Francesco Cardona

      Francesco Cardona

      Very helpful flow chart indeed!

  3. New Year's Greetings to all!

  4. Preparing for Moscow

    1. Stefan Johansson

      Stefan Johansson


      Sounds interesting, have always wanted to travel there.

    2. Francesco Cardona

      Francesco Cardona

      I get to give a talk there :-) Only 3 days though

  5. Hi Stefan, Great to be on this site. I actually thought about signing up on this site a year ago after I saw the advertisement for this at the ESPR, months later the new design must have just convinced me to follow through. Great to be part of the community. Francesco

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