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International comparison of NEC rates

   (0 reviews)

Message added by Stefan Johansson

Please note that you must log in to take this quiz (and all future quizzes).

This is quiz based on a systematic review on the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in high-income countries, published a few weeks ago.

The systematic review illustrates the methodological challenges to do international comparisons. Although the clinical message is a bit limited, it is educating to read this review from a methodological viewpoint.

The document is unfortunately not available in full-text. If you do not have access, your local hospital library should be able to get you a copy. Or ask a friend :)

 Find the paper here: http://fn.bmj.com/content/early/2018/01/09/archdischild-2017-313880

Read the paper and then take the quiz but... please note that you must log in to take this quiz (and all future quizzes).

DISCLAIMER: We do not guarantee that the "correct answer" in a quizz is 100% correct. Never base you clinical decision on a quiz!

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31 Players

  1. 11
    63% in 00:03:05 dukstar
    02/21/2018 07:30 AM

    63% in 00:03:05
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    54% in 00:02:17 racso1402000
    06/05/2019 12:13 AM

    54% in 00:02:17
  3. 13
    54% in 00:02:31 carolmcdn
    02/17/2018 09:40 PM

    54% in 00:02:31
  4. 14
    54% in 00:03:10 nashwa
    02/14/2018 04:20 PM

    54% in 00:03:10
  5. 15
    54% in 00:03:42 miles_c2010
    02/15/2018 06:49 AM

    54% in 00:03:42
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