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Antibiotic Resistance in NICU: Are phages the answer in the future

Jelli KA

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After watching a documentary in ARTE about bacteriophages it made me think about how else is antibiotic resistance in NICU.? It available french / German

Here the story phages was told. First discovered use by  Felix Derrel to combat infections in the pre-antibiotics era and was later discredited and forget about in the western world

Historically they worked rather well, so there is an attempt to bring them back in the light of increasing antibiotics resistance.

This rediscovery started  with lab study that showed  that the phages were effective at clearing infection in rats population sample.


Recently, a French team took it to human and show it feasible despite the many challenges.  This study was a RCT which a specific process approval and protocols were established. The aim in *Phagoburn*was to see if phages could be useful using to fight infection in burn victims. It was lead by Dr. Patrick Jault and large team .Jerôme Gabbard head Start up tells Pherecydes provided the synthesis of phages.

control got standard treatment {silver salts +antiobiotics}  and othe got phages.This got published in nature. The was a reduction in the infection rate in phage group, a  loading dosing issue among other practical things.

   Researchers in france say that there a scaling issue to produce larger amounts, as well a regulatory framework. From bioethical point of view it is possible, a more detail informed consent will be necessary.These days research still going a la Croix de Lion Hospital, France. University Hospital ~CHU Lyon~.

( initial used - discovered @pasteur Institute)


Thus what do think any future of phage in NICU?

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Jelli KA



On 11/15/2019 at 8:12 PM, Linus Olson said:

Please also see the results that we have in this matter in Vietnam in journal of antibiotics https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213716519301456 and in Plos one

and help suggest strategies for how to manage the high rates of colonized children/neonates in South east Asia before it is spread to other parts of the globe.

Thanks for the article. It very interesting  to see help manage the spread antibiotic  resistance . Lots to learn.

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