3rd Future of Neonatal Care Conference
In April 2019, we met up at the Future of Neonatal Care conference, AKA the #99nicuMeetup, in Copenhagen, DK.
More than 200 people from 32 countries had four intensive days together. Our sincere Thank You to all delegates, faculty members and Partners for making the #99nicuMeetup the event it has become. Without You coming to "share and care", there would be no dynamics, no laughter, and no conference.
We did our best to share the conference over Twitter (see hashtag #99nicuMeetup). We also video-recorded the lectures, and you can find most lectures in the playlist below (or directly in our Youtube channel).
How to navigate in the playlist?
See screen shots below: click the playlist symbol in the top left corner. And close the panel of videos but clicking on the "X".