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Complete resolution of Grade III IVH


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Hi Netter, I had couple of patients (27 and 29 weekers) who have had grade III IVH in the first week of life, they had roller coaster course, where  they had severe RDS, ventilated, received surfactant therapy, and clinically septic (septic shock). They have developed BPD (moderate - severe) and healthcare associated BSI down the road. we were following IVH-III with serial cranial ultrasound, and it was showing evidence of progressive ventricular dilatation till the stage that pediatric neurosurgeon was involved. At 7- 8 weeks of PMA everything disappeared totally.

How frequent did you witnessed such a scenario? 



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Lucky baby !!!


Volpe does mention in his follow up that babies can improve spontaneously.

But even if the IVH improves, the case remains a high-risk case and needs close follow up for early detection of neurodevelopmental delay


Also a MRI at term equivalent age will be a very important prognostic tool

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