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The Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in collaboration with PGIMER, Chandigarh and Government Medical College Hospital, Chandigarh is organizing a Neonatal Ventilation Workshop from 14th to 17th May 2009. The workshop will focus on practical aspects of assisted ventilation and CPAP in newborn infants. The four day sessions would include participatory learning in mini-workshops, case discussions and demonstrations with special emphasis on group work in tutorials and problem solving. Those interested may send or email bio-data to the undersigned. Registration fees Rs.5000 (by Demand Draft only) in favor of ‘GMCH DEPTT. OF PEDIATRICS CME-CONFERENCE’ payable at Chandigarh is to be sent only after confirmation. The number of participants is restricted to the first 50. Workbook and resource material will be mailed 4 weeks prior to workshop.

Please contact: Dr. Deepak Chawla Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Government Medical College Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh, Pin code: 160030. Email: drdeepakchawla@gmail.com Phone: +91-9646121559

Apply online: http://sites.google.com/site/drdeepakchawla/Home

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