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Why the 99nicu Meetup is priced at ~630 USD, and how we aim to release it for free

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As you may have noticed, we have opened the registration for the 99nicu Meetup 12-15 June. I hope many of you will be able to come! Click here for more infor!

We got some feedback from a member in an African country about the fee for the meeting, which is 5600 SEK (excl VAT) corresponding to ~630 USD, and whether we had plans to add a differentiated lower fee for members coming from middle- and low-income countries.

I really wished we could offer a reduced fee but to with a limited number of seats and to cover the costs for the venue, lunches, speakers' travels etc-etc, we need to charge this fee as the general cost level is this high in Sweden. Further, 99nicu is still a project based on volontary work and without funds (and viable business model, but that's another story...). In other words, we have none backing our budget in case of a deficit, and are pressed to go break-even financially.

The better news are though that we plan to video-record all lectures and will make those available through 99nicu.org. Given funding, of course!


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