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Dear All!

I would like to know your opinion about choice of HF ventilator for NICU. I interesting what is difference between Inspiratory time in SLE and SM 3100. Do the long Inspiratory time (SLE 5000 - I:T=1:1) influence to risk of airleek syndrome in neonates or not?

Have you some comparision SLE 5000 vs. SensorMedics 3100A? Papers? Links?

I would like to add to the question about differnt types of Oscillators used clinically, My qusetion is on the Babylog HFOV mode , this mode also has a fixed I:E ratio of about 1 : 1.2 ( I believe), I :E ratios in old papers of 1:1 showed concerning out comes ( airleaks , IVH) is any one concerned who uses these ocillators have any concerns about the I:E ratio , and is there any positive papers out there on any HFO device other than the Sensormedics( 1:2 ratio)?

Dear Alexey:

We dont have any experience with the use of the SLE 5000. we use the 3100A, and with respect of the IT, the percentage of 33% give you a relation I:E of 1:2 for3 to 15 hertz. The percent of IT should never increased because it will lead to air trapping and fulminant barotrauma. Total IT should only be increased by decreasing frequency, thus leaving the I:E ratio constant I:T can be decreased to 30% to heal airleaks. Hope this help you

Manuel Bernal Benitez

Centenario Hospital Miguel Hidalgo

Aguascalientes Mexico

Head neonatologist


Dear Manuel!

We are use Sensor Medics 3100A more than ten years in my NICU. I am absolutly agree whith you. But I'll try find real evidence that increasing inspiratory time can lead to air trapping and barotruma. Unfortunately, I have limit to many papers where possible to see comparison these two modes (types) of HF ventilation :-(

Certainly, I know these protocols and we use similar in our practice. I want meet some studies where is evidenses of advantages SM3100A vs SLE5000.

  • 1 year later...

Although late, please find attached 2 relevant papers

Gabriel Dimitriou, MD, PhD (University of London, UK)

Associate Professor in Paediatrics-Neonatology

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, 3rd floor,

University General Hospital of Patras



email: gdimitriou@med.upatras.gr

IE ratio on HFO.pdf

Compatison HFOV.pdf

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