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Survey on post delivery room care


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Dear colleagues,

with a short survey we would like to provide a world-wide overview of the procedures within the Second Golden Hour of transport from the delivery room to the NICU.

While a lot of research has brought better understanding of the immediate postnatal period during the so called First Golden Hour of Life the time following with transport to and admission onto the NICU is still a black box. In a local study we showed that procedures during this time period are done contrary to current understanding of neonatal physiology and with relevant interpersonal variation (BMJ Ped 4:e000602, https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjpo-2019-000602).

To improve our understanding and care for this time of transport to and admission onto the NICU we hereby kindly request neonatologists to complete this survey which should take less than 15 minutes. The results would allow to generate relevant questions for future prospective trials.

The link to the survey is: https://www.umfrageonline.com/s/175a5bb

The QR code for access to the survey is shown below.

Please contact helmut.kuester@med.uni-goettingen.de in case of any questions.

We greatly appreciate your time and response. Thank you!

All the best

Helmut Küster, MD



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