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We are pleased to announce 2 short courses on congenital heart disease planned for February 2008. They are ‘Cardiac Morphology’ (with or without Hands-on practicals) on 25th, 26th & 27th February and ‘Cardiology in the Neonates and Infants’ on 28th & 29th February to be held at the Brompton Hospital, London UK. These courses are for trainees and practitioners who are interested in congenital heart disease.

We recommend early registration for our Morphology course since there are only limited places for the Hands-on component. The practical sessions will be conducted by an international team of tutors. Our Morphology course for the past few years were always fully subscribed well ahead of time. Register early to avoid disappointment!

For further information on these courses, please e-mail Morphology@rbht.nhs.uk or look at our website: http://www.cardiacmorphology.rbht.nhs.uk

Best wishes,

Yen Ho




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