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I hardly ever follow TV-series. Hospital hours are not very compatible with that. In addition, I am boring enough to spare my TV sessions for News and Sports. During the previous decade, I can only remember that I saw Sopranos.

I got a DVD-box for Christmas from my wife. Mad Men season 1. Not having heard about this series, I was blank to what to expect. Now, we have both become Mad Men junkies...

For those of you who don't know about this TV-series (as I did not): the story is about an advertising firm in New York City in the 1960s. How life is evolving around work and family life. How lives can crack and fall apart. How lies work. And don't work.

View the introductionary graphics on Youtube...

As all good things are subjected to parody... a Simpsons Mad Men version can also be seen on Youtube!


PS. Due to copyright restrictions, I could not embed the clips above. You have to go to Youtube to view them. :(


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Hi Stefan,

Here in the UK I've been watching Wallander. Not the ponderous BBC version but the Swedish original. I think it is a fantastic series, the cast is strong and the landscape evocative. Is it received well in Sweden?


Stefan Johansson


Hello! Glad to hear you've watched the Wallander-movies. I agree, the (Swedish) films are very good, as the book are.

If you ever visit Ystad you can take a Wallander tour! Nice town and fantastic surrounding, we go there every summer, my son plays tennis there so we kind of have to stay there a few weeks every year!

BTW, I read in today's paper that the third season of MadMen is available here as a DVD-box. At last!

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