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Should every newborn be tested genetically?

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You might have come across this editorial in the Journal "Nature Medicine".

Most countries have implemented newborn screening and with affordable genetic testing available, there have been studies looking into screening with genetic tests. But what should be tested for? How do we handle markers for diseases that occur later in life? How do we deal with the emotional aspects for parents, children and care givers? And how do we deal with requests from third parties?



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Great editorial and I agree the final words that


...various stakeholders need to start thinking now about how to accommodate the needs of people who receive genetic diagnoses in the long term, in terms of continued care, data protection and psychological ramifications.

Generally speaking, I am less in favor of testing for disease that lacks preventive or therapeutic treatments. I am not too much into this domain of rare diseases myself, but my clinical experience is that infants/children with really rare disorders, families are often glad to get a "name" for the disease but can also be disappointed to learn there is not much to offer except more general support (and management of symtoms)

I see a risk this kind of screening would mostly be used to satisfy a well-resourced middle class (that would also cover the testing costs themselves), and become another "reassurance thing" those families do, to further dig into the good health of their newborn, along the lines what is "nice to know" rather than what is a "need to know"

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