Ethical & Legal Aspects
25 topics in this forum
I assume you may already know about the so-called Letby case, where a neonatal nurse was accused and charged for several neonatal deaths, deemed intentional by the UK courts. A panel of neonatology experts have now reviewed the (legal) evidence and found that (medical) evidence speaks for alternative and natural causes of death. I find it hard to fully grasp the whole situation, first of all, if someone being unguilty is declared guilty, that is disastrous at so many levels, from the imprisoned person to the society as a whole. Calling this "Epic fail" is not enough. I wanted to share a comment by Prof Neena Moody in London, a piece to the point. What do you think and fee…
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I wanted to start a discussion about infants born at 22 completed weeks (i.e. 22+0 -- 22+6). Swedish Television recently broadcasted two programs about "the Miracle Kids", an investigative journalistic approach. We do have a national guideline in Sweden, advocating that neonatal intensive care can be considered at this gestational age (here in Swedish, Google translate will help to get this in your local language). The take-home message from this coverage by Swedish Television are that 1) most 22-weekers are offered intensive care, 2) mortality is high still and adverse longer-term outcomes are very common in survivors, and 3) the societal support for those families …
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Padkaer replied -
You might have come across this editorial in the Journal "Nature Medicine". Most countries have implemented newborn screening and with affordable genetic testing available, there have been studies looking into screening with genetic tests. But what should be tested for? How do we handle markers for diseases that occur later in life? How do we deal with the emotional aspects for parents, children and care givers? And how do we deal with requests from third parties?
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Dr talal replied -
Integrity matters.pdf
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Kaltirkawi replied -
This opinion article by Prof Hugo Lagercrantz, also editor-in-chief of @Acta Paediatrica , came on my radar. It is about how to approach infants born at the viability limit (i.e. 22 weeks). The article is in Swedish, but Google translate may help of you are interested to read through. Prof Lagercrantz's takehomes are: NICU care and post-NICU care of these infants requires a national strategy in addition to health care providers (doctors specifically!), philosophers, theologists, paralegals and brain researchers should contribute in writing such a national strate…
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chandas replied -
Should genomic testing go ahead without parental consent? When results could drastically impact a child’s quality of life, should parents be allowed to decline testing? Share your views in this 10-minute survey. We are seeking the views of English-speaking paediatric or neonatal intensivists (either practising or in training) on the use of rapid genomic sequencing for critically ill infants. Our short survey will ask about two different ethical scenarios surrounding gaining consent for genomic testing and how a genomic test might influence treatment decisions. This will be the first study to collect global intensivist perspectives on this topic. If y…
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Stefan Johansson replied -
Hi 99ers, Following completion of aEEG tracing how are you storing the information. We used to physically download onto disc, but with onset of flash drives wondered how it was now being stored given it’s potentially Medico legal ramifications. TIA. Please keep safe. Kind regards Alistair
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Katrin replied -
Course details-Online module starting February 12th 2021 till 30th April Course Programme Registration-Contact Dr Alok Sharma on Course Structure and Fee 100 pounds
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Friends, I am glad to share that an article of mine about racial disparities, titled 'I Can't Breathe' was just published. Here is the link to the full text of the article (the full text is not available if you go through the journal website). Please share widely - I hope it stimulates action by readers to reduce racial disparities in care and outcomes in the field of perinatal and neonatal care.
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When do you declare death when a baby dies during transfer and do you continue ventilator support?
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M C Fadous Khalife replied -