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Use of moisted and heated air in resuscitation room

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Hello all!

I just wanted to pop the question if you use moisted and heated air to your T-piece device/ BVM/ other device when ventilating/supporting respiration in the delivery room?  We do in GA < 30 weeks with a Fischer Paykel humidifier.

If so, what kind of  moister/heater? Do you have various modes "normal", "invasive"? 

Do you use it in just ELBW infants or all?

...or do you use normal, dry air/O2 and wait with the moist and heat until in the NICU?

Thanks for your input!

//Pontus Johansson


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all, 

 I am relaying a message from one PhD Twitter Xavi Jimenez ( PhD student , Neonatal nurse at VallHebron,  Barcelona) he reply to my re-tweet of the survey by saying the following

In the Delivery room  they don’t use humidified air, they mostly central air conditioning. They use the humidified air in the NICU as an extra during the Summer month.




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  • 2 years later...

Hi Pontus,
An interesting question, is there also clarity about the benefits of providing humidified/heated air in the delivery rooms? We simply provide dry air, but if there is a profit to be made here then it is worth investigating.

When extremely premature babies lie in the plastic bag with their mother in the delivery room, I can see that this cools them down. I wonder what you do with the plastic bag. If the child is stable, do you drain the fluid and put the child in a new dry plastic bag? What is your method?

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