May I ask whether anyone has experience with a prolonged hanging time of a parenteral nutrition (PN) bag (incl lipids) of up to 48h?
We are probably changing our PN regimen into an all-in-one bag. Since the bag contains >400 mL, it would suffice for most premature infants for 2 days. One strategy could thus be to prolong hang time from 24h to 48h to cut PN costs by half.
A recent Australian study (attached) also suggests this would be a feasible approach:
Since our pharmacy will do all additions to the bag in an aseptic environment, including connection and filling the line, I think it could be an attractive solution. Also there is an air-filled dripping chamber in the line, so there exists no continuous fluid-filled connection from the patient to the PN-bag. On the other hand, the line would be in place for 48h as well, so this could form a potential risk.
We must be sure it is a safe approach though…
What are your thoughts and experiences on this matter?
Thank you so much,
best wishes,
Chris van den Akker, neonatologist
Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands