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the Department of Brilliant Ideas - that is where I work 

Entries in this blog

Motivation, cognitive surplus and 3000+ members!

In my real-world-job as managing editor of the Swedish Medical Journal, I got an email from a reader regarding one of my editorials. I had written about general principles in the world of sports and that the world of health care have lessons to learn. For example, that the degree of success depends on the extent of practise, preparation, team work etc. (btw, greetings to Spain being World Cup Champs 2010, you're worth it ) Anyway, this reader posted a video clip about how we feel motivation

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

99nicu - the first four years

Four years ago, I got an idea to start an Internet community for neonatal staff. At that time I was a member of a Swedish Mac-computer community and had realized that web-based professional networks can become great resources. (BTW, this is pre-historical times of today's Social Media-hype.) I convinced a few of my friends in the NICU at Karolinska to spend MUCH time to set the whole thing up... The 11th of May 2006 was the official opening! It is hard to summarize the development during

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

Neonatal Doc - where are you?

I don't read many blogs, but I follow The Premie Experiment (http://thepreemieexperiment.blogspot.com/) and Science-Based Medicine (http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/) Still, there is one neonatal blog that I certainly miss, Neonatal Doc (http://neonataldoc.blogspot.com/) Whoever this person is, I would like to read more! If this whoever person reads this, please email me personally at stefan.johansson@ki.se would love to hear more from you and to offer you a anonymeous blog space here

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

Ipad - where are you?!

I live in Sweden. That's a non-Ipad-land. Probably for a long time. (2011?) I just browsed several of the reviews from Over There, and even Walt Mossberg at Wall Street Journal likes it. And David Pogue at NYT wrote two reviews, one for "techies" and one for everyone else! Come on Jobs - get the Ipad localised in Swedish (with åäö etc) and send me one! Video review.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y7_3H5B7DQ

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

Hackers - meet us if you dare.

We had an unpleasant experience last week. Our account at the web host was hacked. Even, badly hacked! This is what probably happened: I added a subdomain years ago and played around with a Wordpress installation (that's the kind of thing you can do just for fun, or do I need to see someone ) . I left this wp-installation and thought it was resting in peace, not aware of the bomb our account was keeping within its boundaries. Apparently, hackers sniffed this insta

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

Mad about Mad Men

I hardly ever follow TV-series. Hospital hours are not very compatible with that. In addition, I am boring enough to spare my TV sessions for News and Sports. During the previous decade, I can only remember that I saw Sopranos. I got a DVD-box for Christmas from my wife. Mad Men season 1. Not having heard about this series, I was blank to what to expect. Now, we have both become Mad Men junkies... For those of you who don't know about this TV-series (as I did not): the

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson


My favourite video on a less good aspect of daily life... deadlines. Crunching me to the ground this week.

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

Major make-over to be expected...

I would just like to leak some 99nicu info... the software that we use for this site has been realized in a new version that looks and behaves quite differently compared to the current version. This means that the outlook of 99nicu will/may change in the future (early next year). More good news... a professional webmaster has volonteered to help us with 99nicu.org.

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

Radiology around the world

I would just like to share a unusual collaboration, Sweden-Australia. There's a Swedish radiologist working in Australia. Due to the shortage of pediatric radiologists in Stockholm, this person in Australia is "on call" sometimes, i.e. x-rays images are sent by wire (Internet) to Australia, and we get the response back. It's quite a good idea I think. I mean, night time in Sweden is day time in Australia. I wished I could be doing night shift in the day tim

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

I got a new Job!

I have got a new job , from the 16th of March I will be the medical editor-in-chief at the Swedish Medical Journal (Läkartidningen). It may seem as the greatest of surprises, but those who know me are not surprised. Since my late teens, I have been involved in various info/media projects (local newspapers, student papers, free-lance writing, 99nicu...). And, I am really looking forward to this new challenge! During the recruitment process I questioned myself many times how I would feel ab

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

Hot Topics 2008!

I am at the Hot Topics congress. Despite my severe jet-lag... it's a great congress, on clinically relevant aspects of neonatal care. If you have the opportunity... come here next year! For example; hypothermia - it's here to stay, I am sure. And, I must admit I have been a sceptic, but taking the TOBY trial together with the older trials... it's no doubt of the improved outcome in terms of increased survival, free of disability. Still, many of treated infants will have to live with sequels o

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

99nicu goes commercial - NOT!

A friend of mine went into journalism after his medical studies, and he is now editor-in-chief of a large newspaper. We had sushi a few weeks ago, and among other things we discussed my favourite spare-time project... the 99nicu community. One issue is what I believe is a conflict how we run 99nicu: the idea of true independence (from the market) and the fact the funding is needed to maintain the community. My friend enlightened me how the media world works: although information wants t

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

"Small Child Foundation" - the latest "kamikaze" project

I am a "project-oriented" person, i.e. I get a lot of "brilliant ideas", and try to realize some of them. With variable success/failure. Another side of this personality trait is that I get bored quite easily, if things get... boring The latest project I took the initiative is... a large Swedish charity foundation for peri-/neonatal research: Lilla barnets fond (Small child foundation). We (me, five other neonatologists, and one premie-parent) are just about to finish the formal paperwork an

Stefan Johansson

Stefan Johansson

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