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Rianne Rotink

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Everything posted by Rianne Rotink

  1. Apollo 13 was a great movie about a monumental moment in history. The Concord Birth Flow doesn’t promise space travel, but it does promise newborns the safest launch into life, reassuringly connected to mom. Now that’s truly epic. Want something else that’s out of this world? The independent study results will soon be published. Simply comment ‘countdown’ and we’ll notify you. concord_movie_campaign__apollo_13 (360p).mp4
  2. What are the commonly defined contra-indications for Physiological-Based Cord Clamping and are these actual contra-indications? In our next Concord Talk, Dr.med. Anja Stein, a leading neonatologist at the University Hospital in Essen Germany, will be sharing her experience of performing PBCC in cases that some other hospitals have defined as contra-indications, for example placenta praevia and multiples. The experience of the University Hospital Essen triggers an interesting discussion regarding what the actual contra-indications of PBCC are. We invite you to actively contribute to exchange knowledge and experience. Sign up, together with your collaegues, to join the conversation: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  3. How to succesfully prepare for and perform Physiological-Based Cord Clamping in severely ill neonates? What can we learn from hospitals that have gained valuable experience in the past years? In our next Concord Talk on September 13, three Concord Community members will share their knowledge and experience and discuss remarkable case studies: - Dr. Silke Brodkorb, München Klink: Neonate with hydrops - Dr. Neirude Lissone, Maastricht UMC: Preterm neonate with a chylothorax - Dr. Katharina Schwendener-Scholl, Luzerner Kantonsspital: Term neonate with a cyctic CPAM Each speaker will be discussing the specific case, how the team prepared, discuss the workflow and lessons learned. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussions. Signup here to join the live meeting: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  4. Why is it so important to keep the baby close to mom and what are the negative consequences of separating the baby from it's mother immediately after birth? Our next Concord Talk on June 7 will focus on the science and latest insights of these important questions, presented by Dr. Nils Bergman. In this Talk, Dr. Bergman will present the key aspects of "Nurturescience", followed by the science behind Zero Separation and the adverse consequences of maternal-infant separation. Sign-up now, together with your colleagues, to join the discussion. If you are unable to attend, please also register to receive the recording afterward: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  5. Dear @Naveed, Sorry you missed the May10th discussion. Please note you can always access the recodings of all Concord Talks on our website: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/ (scroll down for the recordings). Here you also see the announcement for next week's Concord Talk by Dr. Nils Bergman. If you cannot attend, please also sign-up to automatically receive the link to the recording. Rianne Rotink
  6. Excited to announce our next Concord Talk Expert Meeting on Intact Cord Resuscitation on May 10. A full hour of discussion, allowing you to ask any question you have on this topic with leading scientists: Anup Katheria, Arjan te Pas and Ola Andersson. Register here: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  7. The KJF Klinik Josefinum in Augsburg is a hospital for children, adolescents and women. Under the leadership of the head of the NICU department, Dr. Thomas Völkl, the team has implemented the Concord Birth Flow more than 6 months ago and have gained their first experience. In this Concord Talk, obstetrician Dr. Birgitt Magdziarz and neonatologists Dr. Sibylle Horsinka and Dr. Alexander Praus, will share their considerations and motivations for adopting the Concord Birth Flow, the key learnings gained in the implementation process, and their first-hand clinical experience using the Concord Birth Trolly. Signup here: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  8. Concord Neonatal is a proud supporter of the Bloodtobaby campaign from Hannah Tizard. Her website BloodtoBaby.com is dedicated to ‘physiological transition of the newborn with optimal cord clamping’ and features a full page on Intact Cord Resuscitation (https://www.bloodtobaby.com/resuscitation-with-intact-cord) Our CEO, Rianne Rotink, shares her latest personal insights and knowledge about stabilization with intact cord and physiological based cord clamping, in blogposts featured on Bloodtobaby.com. In her latest blogpost she shares new considerations of thought around the mechanism of placental transfusion and spontaneous breathing and introduces some of the very latest research: https://www.bloodtobaby.com/post/don-t-rely-on-the-pulsating-cord Let us know what your thoughts are on these insights!
  9. Do you want learn from your peers why and how they have implemented the Concord Birth Flow and how they are performing 1,5 years after implementation? Join our Concord Talk on November 2, by Dr. Nina Höller, Prof. Berndt Urlesberger and the neonatology team from the University Hospital Graz. Stabilizing the baby with an intact cord is a hot topic. More and more hospitals are starting to understand the potential benefits and are considering next steps. Now, with over 20 hospitals already performing the Concord Birth Flow, it’s the right time to hear from those pioneers about their experience, to help others implement it in clinical practice. In our next Concord Talk, neonatologists from the University Hospital Graz will be sharing practical aspects, experience and key learnings of implementing and performing Physiological-Based Cord Clamping with the Concord Birth Trolley. Sing up here: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  10. On June 4th, 2021, Loet was born at Maxima Medical Centre in Veldhoven, The Netherlands, at 27 weeks and 2 days gestational age. Loet was supported on the Concord Birth Trolley immediately after birth, as part of the ABC3 study. The parents of Loet, Sten en Kim, are happy to share their experience: "We were able to see everything that was happening with our own eyes because Concord was literally next to our delivery bed. It was nice for us, as brand new parents, to be able to see exactly what was happening. It was also possible to put our hands on our baby to support him. We have felt very involved in the whole process and are very grateful for the participation in this study. We wish everyone to be able to experience a delivery like ours.” https://concordneonatal.com/news-and-events/parents-share-their-experience-we-wish-everyone-could-experience-this/
  11. Do you want to know how to support and stabilize a newborn with an intact cord? Concord Neonatal is now organizing Concord Masterclass, where we demonstrate in a real life hospital setting, how delaying clamping of the umbilical cord can go hand in hand with supporting and stabilizing newborns immediately after birth, in a safe and effective way for mother and baby. Concord Masterclass is now going to tour. Several Masterclasses will be held in hospitals across Europe during the next months. For everyone who is interested to discover how to stabilize newborns with an intact cord, we offer the possibility to attend remotely. https://concordneonatal.com/news-and-events/concord-masterclass-on-tour Want to join, contact us: join@concordneonatal.com We are looking forward to meeting you in person in the next months!
  12. More and more studies on the procedure of intact cord resuscitation and physiological-based cord clamping emerge. In this Talk, Dr. Ola Andersson will discuss whether we are sure enough of the positive effects to start implementing the procedure, or if, and what more could be needed. @olamedmac June 8th at 3:00 pm CEST. Register via: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  13. We have developed an animation video explaining the physiology of transition, explaining the reason why the future is physiology based. Let the baby decide...
  14. Do you want to have answers to important concerns obstetricians may have regarding intact cord stabilization? Join our Concord Talk on May 3 (@ 3pm CET), with Dr. Philip DeKoninck. Does delaying cord clamping up to 10 minutes affect maternal blood loss? Is there an increased risk of infection? Does the neonatal team obstruct the working field of obstetrics and possibly compromise care for the mother? All examples of important concerns that obstetric caregivers may have when considering to implement Physiological-Based Cord Clamping. In our next Concord Talk, Dr. Philip DeKoninck, gynecologist at Erasmus MC Rotterdam, will evaluate Physiological-Based Cord Clamping from the viewpoint of the obstetrician. He will be sharing the latest scientific evidence, addressing concerns the obstetric teams may have, and giving valuable tips and tricks when implementing stabilization with an intact cord. Sign up, together with your (obstetrics) colleagues, to join the conversation: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  15. Concord Talk with Ronny Knol and Bram Dees was very inspiring, including some amazing video's that show the actual workflow. you can replay the recording of this Concord Talk via: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  16. Thank you @Mohan. The Concord Birth Trolley and Lifestart both are designed to provide stabilization with an intact cord. Both solutions are somewhat different though. The Concord Birth Trolley has been designed to be able to provide full stabilization / resuscitation with an intact cord until the baby is fully stable. You can find more information here: https://concordneonatal.com/solution/
  17. You can register here: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/ Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
  18. Do you want to know how to stabilize newborns with an intact umbilical cord? Join our Concord Talk on April 6, with Ronny Knol, neonatologist at Erasmus Medical Center. As a special guest, Bram Dees, will share his experience as a parent of his daughter Lara, who was supported on the Concord Birth Trolley. The new ERC guidelines 2021 are now acknowledging the importance cord clamping. Compared to the 2015 guidelines, ERC NLS 2021 recommends that cord clamping should ideally take place after the lungs are aerated. Where adequate thermal care and initial resuscitation interventions can be safely undertaken with the cord intact, it may be possible to delay clamping whilst performing these interventions. Together with Prof. Arjan te Pas, Ronny Knol coordinates the Aeration, Breathing and then Clamping (ABC) trial on PBCC. In this Concord Talk, Ronny Knol will educate us on the practical aspects how to aerate the lungs and stabilize the baby before clamping the umbilical cord in accordance with ERC NL 2021.
  19. University Hospital Dresden is pioneer in the care of extremely immature preterm infants. Innovative birth trolley enables care of preterm newborns close to mom. For the first time in Germany, a multidisciplinary team stabilized a preterm baby with an intact umbilical cord, with the Concord Birth Trolley. University Hospital Dresden is the first hospital in Germany to stabilize preterm babies with an intact umbilical cord on the Concord Birth Trolley. At the Center for feto/neonatal Health at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, a preterm baby has been supported on a new type of birth trolley for the very first time. Throughout Germany this is the first use of the new birth trolley in clinical practice, it is already being used in The Netherlands and Austria. The trolley called “Concord Birth Trolley”, enables the caregiver to provide necessary medical support for preterm infants immediately after birth, close to mom, with the umbilical cord intact. Center Director Prof. Mario Rüdiger explains: “With this important milestone, our Center for feto/neonatal Health is pioneering care of premature infants. We are very proud to be the first Center in Germany to implement this new method of care, giving premature infants a more gentle start in life.” Maira was born on March 19 together with her brother Avik, in the 34th week of pregnancy. Both children are now being cared for at the Children's Hospital at the University Hospital. Since the boy was the first to be born during the cesarean section, he was stabilized in the room next to the delivery room. The doctors stabilized Maira on the "Concord Birth Trolley" close to her mother before cutting the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord connects the unborn baby with its mother and, among other things, provides the baby with essential oxygen. After birth, the newborn baby is depending on itself and needs to breathe on its own. In a normal birth, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut after the newborn baby has taken its first breaths. For preterm newborns, following this procedure is more difficult. Because of their immaturity, these baby’s often require support. Sufficient spontaneous breathing efforts usually start only after a few minutes. Today most of these newborns are born via caesarean section with the umbilical cord cut immediately after birth, cutting off the essential supply of oxygen via the umbilical cord in the first critical minutes of life. This is associated with a higher risk of complications and long term injury. With this improved primary care in the delivery room, caregivers now hope to minimize, or even prevent, complications and long term injury. This assumption is based on results of several clinical trials, that have been presented at the annual international Symposium in Dresden, organized by the Center for feto/neonatal Health. With the Concord Birth Trolley, it should be possible to cut the umbilical cord of the premature infant, only after he or she is breathing adequately on his or her own. Transferring this new scientific insight into clinical practice has been challenging until now. A multidisciplinary team, led by Prof. Arjan te Pas, a long term cooperation partner of the Center for feto/neonatal Health, has developed the special birth trolley at Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands, enabling caregivers to provide necessary care immediately after birth with the umbilical cord still connected to mother. The new CE certified “Concord Birth Trolley” (con – “with”, cord – “umbilical cord”), was launched in 2019, at the annual international Symposium in Dresden, by the startup company Concord Neonatal, and was successfully implemented in 8 Dutch Hospitals last year, in the primary care of prematurely born infants. “Our cooperation partner in Leiden is excited about this new method of care and its benefits for preterm infants and their parents. For this reason we are eager to offer the advantages of the Concord Birth Trolley in Dresden, and implement this new workflow in clinical practice.” says Prof. Mario Rüdiger, Director of the Center for feto/neonatal Health. The University Hospital in Dresden is the first hospital in Germany to offer this new method of care for preterm infants with the Concord Birth Trolley. On March 19, the first baby was successfully supported on the trolley: the little girl Maira was born in the 34th week of pregnancy with a weight of 1975 grams. During the delivery of the twins by cesarean section, mom Soni Singh first gave birth to a boy. Maira's brother Avik weighed 2040 grams and was stabilized in the room next to the delivery room. Maira, on the other hand, was stabilized by the doctors on the Concord Birth Trolley, close to her mother, with the umbilical cord intact. The C-section in the 34th week of pregnancy was necessary because the children were no longer receiving sufficient support in their mother's womb. Prof. Michael Albrecht, Chairman of the Board at the University Hospital explains: “This new procedure is a milestone in perinatal medicine. This innovative infrastructure enables the interdisciplinary care team to also give immature preterm babies an optimal start in life. Dresden has been a pioneer in interdisciplinary medicine. This started with the innovatively designed Women’s and Children’s Center, in which the Obstetrics and the Children’s Hospital are located next to each other. Based on this cooperation, expertise has been built up in the past 20 years, which formed the foundation of the leading role of our medical university in the field of feto-neonatal medicine.” Ten percent of all children in Germany are born prematurely, before the 37th week of pregnancy. Around one percent of pregnancies even end before the 32nd week. Caregivers call this extreme premature birth. These newborns often weigh less then 1,500 grams and require special care. In 2020, in total 409 premature infants were born at the University Hospital Dresden. This new care process is also of great benefit for mothers. While the in past mothers could not witness the first minutes of life of their preterm baby, because it was taken away immediately after birth, they can now keep their baby close and witness their baby’s first breaths. “Mothers, who’s children are born on their due date by cesarean section, already benefit from keeping their baby close,” says PD Dr. Cahit Birdir, Director of Perinatal Medicine and Obstetrics at the Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics. “The so called “Cesarean Birth”, a specialty of the Dresden University Women’s Hospital, can now also be offered to mothers with prematurely born babies.” This fulfills a further step towards our vision, to improve care at birth for preterm baby’s, to strengthen the bond between parents and their child, starting from the very beginning. Our caregivers know from many years of experience, how important the bond between parents and children is, especially in preterm babies. As soon as the baby is adequately treated and the mother’s cesarean section is finished, the two come together, and, together with the partner, feel the closeness of the new family. Contact University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden Center for feto/neonatal health Director: Prof. Dr. med. Mario Rüdiger +49 351 4 58 3640 (Sekretariat) E-mail: mario.ruediger@uniklinium-dresden.de www.ukdd.de/fetoneoZentrum Concord Neonatal B.V. CEO: Rianne Rotink +31642559493 e-mail: rianne.rotink@concordneonatal.com www.concordneonatal.com
  20. In our March Concord Talk, Prof. Arjan te Pas will educate us what the key success factors are when incorporating cord clamping into stabilisation of preterm infants and share the experiences of his clinic in practicing physiological-based cord clamping for over 4 years. March 2nd at 15:00u (CET). Register via: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/
  21. Missed the great Concord Talk by Prof. Stuart Hooper. No worries, you can access the recording here: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/ (scroll down).
  22. Join Concord Talk by Professor Stuart Hooper on February 2nd at 10:00am CET. Don't cut the cord until the baby is ready, the science behind umbilical cord management. Professor Stuart Hooper is professor of physiology in fetal and neonatal health. He is the Director of Research at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Monash University and is Center Head of the Ritchie Centre. In this Talk, Prof. Hooper will educate us on the physiology of transition and the science behind the timing of umbilical cord clamping, built on research performed by his institute and completed with everyday case studies of neonates in need of support. Sign up, together with your colleagues, to join the conversation: https://concordneonatal.com/concord-talk/ If you are not able to attend, please also register to receive the recording.
  23. I do not have a birth plan for healthy term babies, but there may be 2 helpful resources online for you to checkout: https://www.bloodtobaby.com/ and https://waitforwhite.com/. I am sure Hannah Tizard or Amanda Burleigh can support you further with your questions.
  24. Dear Mohan, from all studies by the team of Professor Stuart Hooper and Professor Arjan te Pas, we know that aeration of the lungs is the master switch to transistion a baby from placental circulation to autonomous circulation. As long as the placenta is not delivered, there is gas exchange and the newborn receives oxygen-rich blood via the placenta. It is therefore important that the baby aerates its lungs before cutting off placental circulation - to ensure that baby's heart receives sufficient oxygen rich blood from the placenta during transition. When the placenta has been delivered, there will no longer be any gas exchange, but there still may be a possibility for placental transfusion, which has some benefit to increase blood volume. This is a nice article on this topic: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fped.2019.00405/full
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