Dermatological Disorders
18 topics in this forum
infant aged now 4 m, he had circular lesion in back of his head 2 cm in diameter, red, with scales on it , hair is preserved is it tinea ???
Please let me know what this rash is? A full term baby born vaginally. No complications during pregancy. Mom GBS positive, inadequate treatment. She had borderline low platelets (cause not known). Baby was pale, hypoperfused at birth needing fluid bolus. Admitted for "rule out sepsis". A rash (see attached) noted at birth. Itchy. Blanching with pressure. Papulo-erythematous over face, trunk. None noted on palms, soles, diaper area. Some part of rash appeared scaly after 24 hours. Any ideas what this rash is? Baby's CBC was normal with normal platelet count.
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Stefan Johansson replied -
Dear colleagues, I observe a baby from ELBW group with progressive gemangiomas in heir area of heard (4*5*1,7 cm). Now she is 4,5 month old (corrected 42 weeks), with 3200 g of weigh. Hemangiomas is tolerated to prednisolon therapy for a 1 month period. Now we want to use propranonlol. What was a smallest weight for propronalol use in your practice. Likewise we have a baby weighted 2000g (birth weight 780 g)with large progressive plate hemangiomas of forearm (8*7 cm).
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Alex replied -
Hello, we have a newborn with white forelock of hair and hypopigmentation in glove and stocking pattern oh hands and feet. Has heterochromia iris. 9 days old now admitted for jaundice. Diagnosis? and further workup? selvan .r india
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ATEFSHAFEI replied -
Dear all, I have one fullterm baby born with generalised papuler rash, morphologically looked like ET. All the IUI work up were negative except GBS positivity from surface swab,gastric aspirate and eye swab. Can GBS cuase papular rash at birth?
- 4 replies
Dr Ashish Jain replied -
Baby born to NC couple with bullous lesion ,muscle wasting ,shortening,dysmorphic features not willing for biopsy
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drakjaleel replied -
we had a newborn referred with meconium aspiration and deep asphyxia. baby reached the hospital dead. He breathed his last on the way to hospital. He has vitiligenous patches like his father. Any connections with the outcome of the baby?
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selvanr4 replied -
hello! My name is Irina Iordache and I am a neonatologist in my third year of residency in Bucharest, Romania. I intend to find out more about ectodermal displasia (dental abnormalities) and I want to know if any of you has made any study on this roblem. Thank you very much.
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JACK replied -