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Hemangiomas, Propronalol


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Dear colleagues, I observe a baby from ELBW group with progressive gemangiomas in heir area of heard (4*5*1,7 cm). Now she is 4,5 month old (corrected 42 weeks), with 3200 g of weigh. Hemangiomas is tolerated to prednisolon therapy for a 1 month period. Now we want to use propranonlol. What was a smallest weight for propronalol use in your practice.

Likewise we have a baby weighted 2000g (birth weight 780 g)with large progressive plate hemangiomas of forearm (8*7 cm).

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Here's the publication that "catapulted" the use of propranolol for hemangiomas, it is availble in full-text at nejm.org


If you look among the "citing articles", I am sure you can find more information/case reports which can guide your decision.

This is an interesting case report about hypoglycemia in an infant treated with beta-blockers after steroid therapy:


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Dear nets, Hi! I had read the articles, witch you had mentioned, some time before the question. The available information is about a babies in good condition. I did not find the information of weight the described babies. I think in our case the baby's weight is smaller than in the literature cases. Corrected age is near term (35 w). The hemangiona increase rapidly (0,5 cm in diameter per month).

We worry the tolerance of propronalol therapy.

Do you use propronalol in near term group? Many thanks for your answer.

Edited by Alex
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