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Respiratory Support & Monitoring

Covers discussions on the technical aspects of respiratory support, monitoring and diagnostics.

  1. Started by tamsam0,

    I am doing a study about transcutaneous O2/CO2 monitoring study in the U.S., trying to understand some clinical preferences and purchasing behavior of these monitors. If you are using these monitors and are interested in participating, please let me know. Thank you!

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by ammar,

    Dear friends, I'm very happy to join this beautiful forum. we are great users of HFV ventilators (SM 3100 A and B, Stéphanie, SLE and the BBL 8000) and we will conduct a work about the efficiency and safety of this ventilators. I ask if some one have a reference of a device that make monitoring of tidal volume possible at the distal point of the circuit and thanks.

    • 4 replies
  3. Started by dr_osama_hussein,

    This's a new simple CPAP for neonates, check it out! http://www.neoegypt.com/

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  4. Started by hehady,

    In your practice, is there a place now for elective HFOV for VLBW infants with severe RDS?

    • 6 replies
  5. Started by ammar,

    dear collegues, is there any one who use PICCO monitoring for sick neonates with respiratory failure or hypotension? wich charts of normal values for the different parametres calculated or measured by the device.

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  6. I'm searching for new equipment and I would like to recognize which technical specifications (apart from pressure/volume) makes the differences -in normal ventilation- between neonatal, infant and pediatric ventilators. I would like to compare CrossVent4 (BioMed), Fabian (Acutronics), Millenium (Sechrist), and any other else. Which one do you believe that could be useful for my neonatal surgical unit?. Thanks you in advance for your help,

    • 4 replies
    Guest replied
  7. Dear friends We are in the process of buying one high frequency ventilator, but Im not decide for which of one, we only have a little experience with sensormedics, but I know that Vip Bird 8000 Drager is very good. In your experience and considering that probable we only can buy one of both, which coluld you recommend to me. Thanks for your help

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    Guest replied
  8. Started by manberbenitez,

    Dear friends: I want to know your opinion about the IT that you use in different pathologies.In my NICU I have a problem, we have differents kind of patients with RDS, congenital pneumonia, NEC etc etc, that we have to ventilate, but sometimes I found that all my patientes have 0.33 IT ( conventional ventilation) like a rule, no matter what the problem is. In acute phase of an RDS probable we can need short IT like 0.2 - 0.3 sec and we can obtain 3-5 Time constants and get a good ventilation, but what happen with all other patients that sometimes has not respiratory problems, with a good compliance and we can use IT between 0.3 to 0.5 sec. Do we have to ventilate all the…

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  9. Guest
    Started by Guest,
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