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Do you need to employ neonatal staff? Do you need a new job? Here's a #1 job board!

  1. Started by Stefan Johansson,

    It is easy to post on the job board - it works just as any other forum. Log in.Go to the Job Board (under the Message Board).Click on the green button "Start new topic" in the top right corner here Add the title and description of the job position offered/wanted, and click "Submit"Done!All job positions are promoted in the emailed newsletter, sent on a regular basis. Therefore, please consider to make a 10USD-donation per posting. While we help you to recruit staff, you help us to develop and maintain 99nicu. There is a donation button on the About page, just click here to get there.

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  2. Started by PRAKASH KABBUR,

    Any of you interested to join for a medical trip to India? Trip is sponsored by a non profit organization. Full team is formed, except, need a neonatologist, NNP and RT with NICU experience. Please contact me directly for details. Travel date: July 10. Thanks kabburpm@yahoo.com sumana12@yahoo.com

  3. The Neonatal Department at the Karolinska Unviversity Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden is advertising 3 senior and 3 junior Consultant Posts in Neonatal Medicine. With 48 cots on three sites we are one of the largest neonatal unit in northern Europe and still expanding. We work in close collaboration with Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine teams as well as Cardiology, Surgery, Nutrition, ENT, Ophthalmology, Neurology, and Neurosurgery. We also host neonatal transport with a commitment for land, and air based transport. There are about 28000 deliveries each year in the Stockholm where about 22000 deliveries are in-house at the Karolinska University Hospitals at Dandery, Huddin…

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  4. Are there any practicing Neonatologists in the Netherlands? I wanted to inquire re the logistics of using my United States board certification in the Netherlands. Any insight will be greatly appreciated!

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  5. Dear Colleagues, We are advertising 2 Consultant Posts in Neonatal Medicine. We are expanding unit with every tertiary neonatal speciality offered (Cardiology, Surgery, Nutrition, ENT, Ophthalmology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Palliative Care). We also host neonatal transport with a commitment for land, and air based transport). If interested feel free to apply and get in touch. The job advert closes on the 24th of June and Interviews are planned on the 12th of July. You will need a UK CCT or equivalent European experience to be eligible. http://jobs.uhs.nhs.uk/job/v715314?locale=en-gb Best Wishes Alok Dr Alok Sharma MBBS MD MRCPCH Consulta…

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  6. Neonatal Fellowships Princess Anne Hospital Southampton UK Please note we have advertised neonatal fellowships in University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust. These fellowships are starting in March 2017 for a period ranging from 6 months to 2 years on the tier 2 or 3 rota for tertiary level neonatology. Southampton currently offers training in neonatology, neonatal transport, neonatal surgery, neonatal cardiac patients and neonatal neurosurgery. Specialty input is also available in neonatal nephrology (peritoneal dialysis), neonatal endocrinology, ENT, and respiratory medicine. Rota: At any one time there are 7 WTE ST4-8 training either in Neonatology or Paediat…

  7. Join our expanding practice at Boone Hospital Center in Columbia, Missouri to work as a neonatal nurse practitioner in our 22-bed, state-of-the-art, Level-III NICU. In this role you will provide clinical care in the NICU and attendance at some deli View the full article

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  8. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea and St Mary’s Hospital, London, UK is looking for Trust Grade Senior House Officers (SHO) and Registrars (SPR) in Neonatology (ST 1-8) 4-6 posts for 6 to 12 months from 7 Ma View the full article

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  9. The SUNY Downstate Medical Center neonatal-perinatal fellowship program at Brooklyn, NY, has an unexpected opening for a first year neonatal-perinatal fellow starting July 2016. Candidates must have completed a pediatric residency in the US. If interested please email your resume to nicumd@gmail.com

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  10. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea and St Mary’s Hospital, London, UK is looking for Trust Grade Registrar in Neonatology (ST 4-8) 4 posts for 6 to 12 months from 7 March 2016. (Ref.-No: ST4-8 290-TDP-DM-781) View the full article

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