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Francesco Cardona

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Everything posted by Francesco Cardona

  1. @Andrej Vitushka this course might be a bit on short notice for you: http://tinec.org/ It is already next week January 26-28, 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
  2. Works fine with windows 10 / firefox
  3. Calculate z-scores on Fenton-Curve for weight, height and head circumference. http://peditools.org/fenton2013/
  4. Calculate risk of neonatal infection and get a recommendation for abx therapy
  5. It's going to be great!
  6. until
    http://www.hottopicsinneonatology.org/ For over 30 years, Hot Topics has been THE premiere neonatal conference, with more than 1000 neonatologists and perinatologists from around the world attending each year. The conference features internationally known faculty, poster sessions, critical reviews and debate about promising new therapies, including: O2 Data - The Final Decision Breaking News - Antenatal and Postnatal Steroids Antenatal Strategies to Decrease Neonatal Morbidities and Mortality
  7. Love it!
  8. High quality guidelines and standards produced and published by other organisations and endorsed by the RCPCH.
  9. Here is the link for lazy people like me :-) to the blog post:
  10. until

    Anyone going?
  11. I will gladly comment, I completely concur!
  12. This foundation works to end premature birth and other problems that threaten our babies.
  13. Archives of Disease in Childhood from the BMJ family of journals is co-owned by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health It is published bi-monthly
  14. Review Journal on perinatal topics
  15. the PDA: why should we treat it? how should we treat it? when should we treat it? or should we treat it at all?
  16. I would like to see some nursing topics at the conference. Any ideas?
  17. Here is some literature on the subject: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27222450?dopt=Abstract
  18. Predicting outcome - Either you could go for some neuropediatrician, neuroradiologist or ethicist - all choices could be interesting I always find some topic on inborn errors of metabolism interesting, any new developments in this field?
  19. Topic: Early prediction of preterm outcome - what do we know? what dont we know?
  20. If we continue with low rate infusion, we add heparin to the infusion solution 2 IE/kg/h. I am not really sure that makes sense.
  21. I am curious. Do you lock your central venous catheters which are not in use? How often do you change the lock?
  22. Sounds great! Will there be an android version, too?
  23. I think this is a good step to allow communication among our members.
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