Respiratory Disorders
168 topics in this forum
Dear 99 friends: This is a case discussion, about a neonate that we received in my NICU at 45 days of life, with 34 weeks gestation initially,cesarean,Birth weight of 2000 grams, required mechanical ventilation because RDS, then complicate with pneumothorax, so he had a thorax drainage for 3 days, then he has pleural effusion,with a gramm negative infection, so he received 3 differente kinds of antibiotics, the last one was Imipenem with Vancomycin with good results initially but he had a residual pulmonary infection with cavitation with fibrosis, so he had to go to mechanical ventilation again. At this moment, the baby arrived to my NICU, we made a Tomography Scan that …
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JACK replied -
I am just curious to see if any units out there have a VAP (ventilator associated pneumonia) protocol for their NICU. I know that this has become an area of high interest in the adult world and now our unit is taking a look at developing a protocol for our NICU to prevent VAP. Any suggestions or resources that you have would be very helpful. Jennifer Tucker RN, BSN Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, MN
How do you practice CPAP weaning?. Gradual weaning of pressure? Cycling time off CPAP?
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hehady replied -
Hi everybody. i am trying to find some information about lung compliance and resistance in the neonatal/premature population. So far my research in that matter led me to an article where someone studied 7 preterm infants with RDS and different lung diseases!!! But i am searching for "normal" values in the "healthy" population for teaching purposes.... I know that this is a hairy thing, because i haven´t seen such statements in any of the books i have read so far, and we all know how fast this values change in the preterm an neonatal population, but maybe one of you experts can provide me with something i haven´t found. Thank you in advance Norbert
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Skysurfer replied -
we just had a full term with sever neonatal pneumonia been ventilated on sippv for hypoxia and fortuntaly we succeeded in weaning him .. however after weaning all his blood gases show respiratory alkalosis although he is not tachypniec for example for the last 2 days he shows ph 7.49 pco2 15 hco3 14 be -17 ....... ph 7.49 pco2 14 hco3 10 be -20 can u explain
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kpsanghvi replied -
I'd like to share with you you experinces in respiratory morbidities in late preterm (near term ) infants? Need for CPAP? Need for surfactant? Need for Mechanical ventilation? In your opinion what is the best timing for an elective CS?
We have one female baby having diagnosed with MSUD ( Maple syrup urine disease). This baby acutely deteroriated because of lung infection in NICU. Baby is on mechanical ventilation. CRP, procalcitonin are normal. Blood culture is negative. Pseudomonas aureginosa was isolated on culture of material of deep tracheal aspiration. Treatment is contuining with sensitive drugs according to culture result. Echocardiography is normal. Pulmonary hypertension was not detected. X ray of lungs is not too bad. In blood gas analysis, high CO2 level was detected. We could not decrease high CO2 level. To increase respiratory rate, to increase PIP, to increase inspiratory time, revers…
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Stefan Johansson replied -
Would you kindly help me to get access to teaching video on how to give surfactant via 'INSURE Technique'
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hehady replied -