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Hematological Conditions

  1. Started by salameh101,

    A full term male baby, normal delivery, normal Apgar score, Bwt 3 kg. > Mother?s blood group o-ve and baby B+ve, family history of ABO > incompatibility, found to be jaundice in first 2 hrs, Hb 11gram/dl > at birth, at 2 hrs Hb 8 gram/dl and sb 145 Mmol,Direct combs test > +ve anti B ,placed under intensive phototherapy and given 15 ml O +VE RBC in AB +ve plasma. > Which is more beneficial for the baby? > 1- To do partial exchange transfusion. > 2- To do exchange transfusion. > 3- To give first PRBC TO CORRECT ANEMIA. > Thank you

    • 16 replies
  2. Started by JACK,

    Does anyone have any experience in using Factor VIIa in controlling hemorrhage in neonates? Let me include some relevant links here Strauss T, Kenet G, Schushan-Eisen I, Mazkereth R, Kuint J. Rescue recombinant activated factor VII for neonatal subgaleal hemorrhage. Isr Med Assoc J. 2009 Oct;11(10):639-40. LINK TO DOWNLOAD Puetz J, Darling G, Brabec P, Blatny J, Mathew P. Thrombotic events in neonates receiving recombinant factor VIIa or fresh frozen plasma. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2009 Dec;53(6):1074-8. Review. PubMed PMID: 19621430. LINK TO ABSTRACT Guzzetta NA, Huch S, Fernandez JD, Tosone SR, Miller BE. Use of recombinant factor VIIa for uncontrolled bleedin…

    • 3 replies
  3. Hello, I would like to know the place of recombinant erythropoietin in the management of anemia of extreme preterms (28 weekers). When do we start , whether to wait for the response to iron or red cell transfusion? Do we have a well validated guideline? Because most of the books are not categorical. thanks dr.r.selvan

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  4. We had a preterm born at 32 weeks readmitted at 35 weeks with serum bilirubin of 32 mgs. Our pediatric surgeon did the cut down of umbilical vein and helped us to cannulate. We could only do 10 ml two alliquotes exchange. Though we could push in blood it was difficult to withdraw blood. We adjusted recannulated and nothing worked. It was late in the night. We could not call him again at 11 pm. So we cannulated the saphenous vein at medial malleolus and tried peripheral exchange. Though it worked and we could exchange 230 ml for this 1.4 kg baby, fingers hurt till next day. What you do in this situation when you don't have help available and scary about central vein p…

    • 1 reply
  5. Started by selvanr4,

    Our blood bank personnel have asked me the following questions; 1.Can we bleed a person who has a bilirubin value of above 2 mgs% ? Do we avoid blood donation from persons having serum bilirubin above the normal of < 1 mgs %? 2. Do we need to avoid blood donation from those who have recently been immunised with Hepatitis B vaccination ? if so , upto how many days ? thanks selvanr4

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  6. Started by drakjaleel,

    We have a 40 days old male baby born to consang couple At the age of 10 had abcess over left lower thigh for which I&D done Staph isolated & treated with Vancomycin ,resolved. At the time of presentation to our NICU baby had biphasic stridor,virtual bronchoscope revealed retropharyngeal abscess which was drained and PCR ,Blood C/S isolated Staph (not MRSA) Responded well to Teicoplanin,Amikacin.Clindamycin (14days) Now occassional stridor feeding well Wonder that this could be CGD (NBT not done) Need your advise regn further workup and management Jaleel

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  7. Started by drakjaleel,

    Hi all i just want to know how safe this molecule in non hemolitic jaundice in newborn When to start? What is the dosage? How long to continue? How safe? DRAKJ Ahmed Coimbatore,S.India

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  8. Guest kcaputo
    Started by Guest kcaputo,

    Does anyone have any information re: withholding Vitamin K in neonates born to mothers who are heterozygous Factor V Leiden deficient

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  9. Started by thabit,

    hi all..... happy to be here; i'm a neonatologist from Gaza;Palestine would like to have comprehensive readings on that issue thanks

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  10. Started by JACK,

    Nice animations explaining the cell based model of coagulation http://www.hemophilia.org/NHFWeb/MainPgs/MainNHF.aspx?menuid=301&contentid=669&rptname=Research http://www.neonet.ch/assets/cotm/index.php?book=2009-08&htmlflash (Click the movie button at the bottom of the page )

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