Hematological Conditions
58 topics in this forum
A question reaches us via Twitter by Susanna Fustolo-Gunnink: Are there neonatal intensive care units in which hyperconcentrated platelet transfusions are administered? @EBNEO @ccroehr @DrCGale @NeonatalResearc @cwsbattersby @RizKhanahmed @TimWatts1964 @BSantamaria8 @drpaulclarke @Colin37377735
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Susanna FustoloGunnink replied -
Requesting explaining the pathophysiology underlying DIC
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Stefan Johansson replied -
Guys do you ventilate, SVIA (self ventilating in air) babies just for cooling? If not what strategies do u use for making them comfortable?
- 12 replies
- 1 follower
Schumz replied -
Hi Everybody, Greetings from Canada I have a quick question, in case of mom presented with severe abruption placenta, can the baby present with severe anemia? will you arrange O-ve blood ahead before delivery or standby? Thnaks
- 6 replies
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bimalc replied -
Dear all A little bit of brainstorming is needed. We had a term baby deliver SVD. No risk factors for sepsis. Cord around the neck at delivery noted. Baby at birth did not require any resuscitation and was with mum in the postnatal ward. Had a 25 ml feed. Asked to review by the neonatal team due to facial congestion and low temp. Temp was normal on the review but grunting and facial congestion was noted straight away brought to nicu at 8 hours of age due to oxygen requirement. Soon needed ventilating and curosurf. Post ventilation oxygen requirements came down to air. Blood gases were satisfactory. PH>7.25 BE and Lactate WNL. Noted to have abnormal movement…
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Stefan Johansson replied -
Dear all, I would be grateful for your advice/opinion regarding the following case. We admitted a preterm baby 28 weeks gestation with oesophageal atresia and tracheo-oesophageal fistula in our unit in October. The baby was severely IUGR weighted only 600 g at birth. He had a fistula closure on day 1. Due to his cardiovascular and respiratory instability the full correction was delayed. He had a difficult time following the surgery. He was stabilised, weaned of the ventilator and the correction surgery was planned when he developed sepsis. We looked for the source of the infection so among other investigations we did an Echo. His Echo showed a mass in his righ…
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tarek replied -
We recently had a newborn referred with hepatic vein thrombosis. Baby had blood and mucoid stools. The total count was high and hence blood c&s sent and commenced with i v antibiotics.symptoms abated. no organism grown in culture. We were hesitant to start LMW heparin because of diverse opinions.But continued with iv antibiotics. Rpt ultrsound showed developing collaterals. What is the probability that the child will /will not have chronic liver disease. Can LMW Heparin melt away the thrombosis? thanks selvan rathinasamy
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selvanr4 replied -
Can some one provide me the link for Cockington charts used as a guide for use of phototherapy in the management of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia published in journal of pediatrics 1979,95:282-285
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Stefan Johansson replied -
I read in protocol that if the baby is indicated for blood transfusion , that you have to do cross matching the donor blood with maternal serum I don't what the reason of this , I know that maternal antibodies will be in the neonatal serum and the neonate will not Form anti _ body before 6 month of age so is it enough just to do cross matching between the newborn and the donor blood ?
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How do you deal with acute bleeding on your ward? e.g. gastric bleeding or pulmonary hemorrhage? Have any of you ever used tranexamic acid? At what dose? I know our anesthesiologists use it every now and then?
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