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Hematological Conditions

  1. Started by thabit,

    Best wishes.... Any new experience with the use of phenobarbitone in treatment of neonatal cholestasis? Thanks

    • 2 replies
  2. Dear Colleagues.. Best wishes.. any experience in using IVIG in ABO or RHesus incompatibility of newborn. Thanks

    • 2 replies
  3. Dear colleagues.. Best Wishes.. any one has an experience in using Metalloporphyrrins in neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia.. Thanks

    • 1 reply
  4. Started by Anna Moscow,

    Dear collegues! Do anyone have an experience of treating nonates with congenital inherited trombophilia, caused by homozigote mutations (PAI-gene-mutation, methylenetetrahydrofolatreductase - gene-mutation). Now we have such a baby with problems, caused by both hyper- and hypocoagulation at the same time (this baby experienced peripheral lower extremity vene trombosis and had a large clinically-silent tromb in left atrium shortly after birth, nearly at the same time - gastric hemorrage). This baby was treated for suspected neonatal infection with one course of antibiotics. We suggest that coagulation problems were provoced by infection. Both parents have verifyed tro…

    • 1 reply
  5. Started by JACK,

    The VO L U M E 2 4 , N U M B E R 1 , 2 0 0 8 issue of IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY published by the American Red Cross has many articles related to neonatal blood transfusion. It is available for download freely to all. The LINK for download is: LINK

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  6. Started by vangelis,

    I have recently heard the story of a couple who are friends of mine and described that their 10 days old baby is in the NICU because of recurrent hypoglycemia (very difficult to decrease the glucose infusion) and also has low trombocytes. The neonatologists suspect Neonatal Alloimmune Trombocytemia. Does anybody know any correlation between those conditions???

    • 3 replies
    Guest replied
  7. Started by ali,

    Hello to you all, I am intrigued as to your current approach to the neonate with a confirmed thrombosis. Thanks with anticipation

    • 2 replies
  8. Guest aymaniham
    Started by Guest aymaniham,

    Dear colleagues, I would like to know if anybody has experience in using calculation of oygen content in the blood to determine the need for PRBC transfusion. Regards

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