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Hematological Conditions

  1. Guest danielirra
    Started by Guest danielirra,

    Hi, do you use in your service Anti-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis in Rh negative female newborn and mother Rh positive ? I have not found bibliography. Thanks in advance Daniel

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  2. Started by nashwa,

    I want to ask about if newborn with recurrent sepsis and take frequent BL trx , still had anemia with HB 7.7 and reticulocytic count 2% and s. Ferritin 950 with thrombocytosis......how can I deal with ??

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  3. Started by nashwa,

    When there is active bleeding associated with prolonged PT,APTT , giving vit k 5mg IV for one dose or repeated dose for 3 days (once/ day for 3 d) ass with plasma

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  4. Started by nashwa,

    When I give plasma or PRBC transfusion, is it necessary to give I.v frusemid after it to avoid volume overload in neonate in my nicu

  5. Started by drrameshkumarmuhilai,

    Hai all i need your help, I have a neonate with 38 wks,BW-2.6kg, delivered by LSCS, asymptomatic at birth, developed repiratory distress with abd distension at 22 hours of life, sepsis screen positive, no maternal risk for sepsis,sbr -12 mg/dl, ABO setup, started on phototherapy, higher antibiotics,at 32 hours persistent distress,ABG ph 7.23,pco2 40,po2 60,bicarb-16,sbr total 12, direct 3,echo is normal, DCT negative,retic 15%, elevated renal parameters,, started on ivig, and inotropes, my point is, is it ABO hemolysis, or sepsis plus hemolysis

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  6. Guest mmerocru
    Started by Guest mmerocru,

    Some of my collegues use as treatment of trombrocytopenia ( exemple:10.000 platelets) in context of severe sepsis (BLEE multiresistant) transfusions of platelets every 6-8 h, as routine treatment ( ??? ), like furosemida or cefotaxima or meropenem, without repeating hemogram. I´m not agree, with this options. What do yo think ? Is a good indication? Have you any guidelinnes?? Thank you

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    Guest replied
  7. Started by vitaliy,

    I never used EPO before, but recently joined the group that uses EPO extensively. So just want to find out how many NICU use Epo for prevention PRBC transfusions. Do you use Epo? Do you use it early? Do you use it late? Do you use it for some kids- targeted use? Do you use Darbe? Thanks.

    • 2 replies
  8. Started by ashokmv,

    We have a 1 month male baby, who has been referred for hepato-splenomegale, and peritoneal lymphadenopathy , confirmed by ultrasound abdomen , no other significant history , no fever no other signs of sepsis. Anti-natal history of mother getting on and off fever from gestation of 5 months, Mother u/s ab : omental thickening, ? TB Baby on DBF We suspected sepsis, lymphomas , infiltrative disorder , congenital tuberculosis . Sepsis screening - negative , baby is not sick TB; gastric aspirate, PCR for TB is negative LFT-normal, PT ptt : Normal Immunoglobulin levels -normal VDRL, HIV, NEgative Hb: 9.5, TC : 9000, platelets : 1.2L Bone marrow - ? Normal s…

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  9. My first post in your forum. Congratulations and keep up the good work. I would like to know your clinical prctice regarding diagnosis and management of NAIT. 1. Which combination of clinical symptoms and lab results are suggesting NAIT, taking into consideration that current anti platelet Ab detection has a high rate of false negatives? 2. What kind of trnsfusion product do you use. Random donor platelets, do you have typed platelets, do you perform mother platelet apheresis? 3. Have you come across any non-responders? 4. What about genetic councelling to parents of NAIT neonates? Dimtris Anastasiou Neonatology Resident Athens, Greece

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  10. Our new poll for November is out. We are curious about your answers! Also check out the editorial article (here)

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