Respiratory Disorders
168 topics in this forum
Hi all doctors ..hope all fine ...i need to hear your experiences in this case Female 1 day old 2.4 kg .c/s .apgar score 2 ,5,7 ar 1st 5th 10th mins respectively ...severe RD in mechanical ventilator simv mode 26 pip ..peep 4..RR 60..fio2 70%.... RESOLVED respiratory acidosis with multiple skeltal dysplasias ..with absent intestinal sounds and absent colonic gases in x ray ..
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Dr.Smah replied -
hi all, I had baby 36 weeks completed gestation, on admission severe respirstory distress,given surfactan , distress not setteled after 24hrs of ventilation (invasiveSIMV ). Xray still shwing complete white out, repaeat surfactant given still no improvent CT chest done its normal. Sepsis screen negative. what could be reason for complete white out and not improving lung fields? thanking you.
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Bernhard Bungert replied -
Dear all As all of us are preparing ourselves to form potential strategies to mitigate and manage SARS CoV2 positive neonates, we come across various challenges. Our NICU has Sophie ventilators which do not have a expiratory filter. So the potentially infectious aerosols would be released in the NICU environment. We have not been able to devise a way to circumvent that yet. Though thankfully there have been no suspect cases so far in Delhi. But in order to prepare for a possible surge it is essential to look at such issues. Please suggest what is being followed in other units who are currently managing such neonates and suggest the possible soluti…
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Dr Ashish Jain replied -
Hi everyone, I am quite new to this forum but I really lik ehow the forum and site works. Although it seems quite silly but I need to understand the basics of pre and post ductal saturation what do they actually measure! Blood from the heart or to the heart? Thanks guys!
- 12 replies
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Dr. Omayma Hemida replied -
anyone using ipratropium nebules in newborn ? dose ?
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Stefan Johansson replied -
what is salbutamol (albuterol) nebules dose in newborn ?
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Stefan Johansson replied -
I would like to get the opinion of our respected colleagues regarding management of Bronchiolitis in NICU. Do you use hypertonic saline, salbutamol or ipratropium nebulizers? Please share your thoughts. Thanks.
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agoz replied -
What are the outcomes of congenital acinar dysplasia ( severe pulmonary hypoplasia ) in terms of resuscitation and mortality?
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kefah replied -
Check out this great lecture by @Nathan Sundgren about recent advances in neonatal resuscitation, i.e. sustained inflation and minimal-invasive surfactant therapy.
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Stefan Johansson replied -
For those of you having follow-up clinics with children born preterm and affected by BPD, check out these European guidelines. A very thorough document. In short, most recommendations (screen shot below) are graded as low or even very low evidence. So there are lots of room for good research! Find the full document here (and yes, it is available as open-access):
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M C Fadous Khalife replied -