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Respiratory Disorders

  1. Started by Dr.Smah,

    Hello dear doctors Kindly can you recommend for me a source of data about lung ultrasound . Thanks in advance

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  2. Started by nashwa,

    Any one follow a recent recommendation of European guidelines for RDS management and practice INSURE technique in ELBW, How much it working?? What is average time taken to extubate babies??, how many doses of surfactant needed?? Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

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  3. In our unit we are not cutting the tube but we did not do any study to check which is better to cut it or to leave it . Please respond to the poll and share your practise.

  4. Video about "Pneumothorax - Early Diagnosis and Management-Pathophysiology"

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  5. Much respect to this amazing society Is there any specific considerations in managing neonatal respiratory distress in infant of smoker mother ? Thanks in advance

  6. Started by Mohan,

    What are the present recommendations on use of surfactant in MAS? What is the upper age limit till when it can be used?

  7. Started by Schumz,

    Hi Guys, I would like an opinion on HFOV, HFOV+VG as a mode of ventilation for extremely preterm infants. Case: 24 weeks, 600g baby (day2-3) past honeymoon period, on 2x inotropes just maintaining borderline BP. Ventilation: HFOV+VG, Hertz 6, VG:3.3mls/kg. Blood gas was reasonable. The baby was put on this mode as there were apparently issues with CO2 clearance. My experience with this mode is (...use it when nothing works!) limited. I have used it comfortably in term or near-term infants but in an extremely preterm infant, I was a bit shaky. Anyhow, I thought gases are stable and the baby seems to be coping well... let's not rock the boat! Unfortunately, the V…

  8. Started by bimalc,

    What approaches are in use around the world for the ventilation of CDH (especially pre-operative on or off ECMO)? Many guidelines continue to list PIP limits based on earlier studies of 'gentle ventilation' improving survival, but these studies were done before significant advances in microprocessors enabled accurate volume targeted ventilation. Given what we know about the importance of volume-trauma as opposed to baro-trauma, is anyone volume ventilating pre-operative CDH and permitting higher peak pressures?

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  9. Started by nashwa,

    Can anyone share his experience in using iNO in PT with Pulmonary hypertension in BPD Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

  10. Given recent results from placebo-controlled trials on inhaled budenoside and systemic hydrocortisone, how do you practically approach the questions on steroid use in your NICU? As you are probably well aware, the NEUROSIS trial (inhaled budenoside) showed some reduction in BPD among survivors, but the 2y followup showed a increased nb of deaths in the budenoside group and no benefit with regards to neurodevelopment (NEJM 2015 and NEJM 2018). The PREMILOC trial found that systemic low-dose hydrocortisone reduced the BPD risk, without a clear benefit on neurodevelopmental outcomes (Lancet 2016 and JAMA 2017). Further, a meta-analysis came out just the other week …

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