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Respiratory Support & Monitoring

Covers discussions on the technical aspects of respiratory support, monitoring and diagnostics.

  1. Dear colleagues There is an idea to investigate deeply correlation between EtCO2 and NIRS data and probably to develop some device for extracting, coupling and analysing these data. That's why I am kindly asking you, dear colleagues: 1. Please share your experience about how often do you use capnography in intubated and non-intubated infant at NICU. Is it like a standard for intubated infants? 2. What EtCO2 measurement device provides you with more accurate measurements vs PaCO2? 3. Do you use capnography and NIRS simultaneously in most severely ill infants? Do you also consider EtCO2 data in this case when you are estimating brain perfusion? …

  2. Started by ali,

    Hi 99ers, Although as a Unit we have an extubation guideline that needs to be observed prior to extubation I am intrigued to know if a guideline or list of interventions attempted (increase of CPAP pressure, maximum FiO2 requirement, CO2, permissive hypercarbia) before the decision is made to reintubate. Many thanks for your thought and opinions. Please all stay safe. Best wishes Al

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  3. In the actual pandemic situation, we are asking ourself again about filters sistem in ours ventilators. Does anybody use it? Pre and post - patient?? Only post? Thanks

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  4. Started by newborn,

    I wonder which blenders you are using to deliver NCPAP to extremely preterm infants. Between the Medin Blender 1090 and NEO2 blend of Bio-med, I am not sure which one is better in terms of cost, durability and stability. We cannot afford the Infant Flow at the moment. Do you have any recommendation?

  5. Started by piatkat,

    Asking for some advice here. I've discovered that some of our Philips monitors (Intellivue Series MP40 and MP70) don't have any additional LAN ports that I need for my study... Does anybody know if it's possible to "stream" the content of one Philips monitor to another monitor without physically connecting them via cable? All of the monitors in the unit are connected to a central monitoring system. My thinking is: if it's possible to stream information from one monitor to a central computer, maybe it is also possible to stream the signal from that computer to another monitor? Or is it too much to ask? 😅 I will appreciate every tip and trick 😃 I have had a rather u…

  6. Started by zdravka pironova,

    Hello colleagues, I need your help! We just received a new type of ventilator - Maquet Servo I Ventilator. However, so far we have used Babylog 800 Plus. I read in the manual but still don't fully understand the different ventilation modes. So far in our NICU, we have been working with SIPPV and SIMV. Could you please suggest some reading/articles that could help us? We are also taking care of ELBW. We recently had a newborn weighing 650 grams and 2 pairs of twins born in 28 weeks gestation. We are situated far from any university hospitals and need to fend for ourselves. Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can provide us.

  7. Started by juan carlos vidal,

    Hello everyone, could anyone share their bibliography or their experience in the use of ram cannulas?

  8. Hello Everyone, I would like to know your practice when you wen from HFOV to conventional ventilation with VG, when baby is on the mend, do you lower the MAP by 1-2cmH2O or maintain the same MAP. Thanks for your input Mosarrat Qureshi Neonatologist Edmonton AB Canada

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  9. Started by kissjk,

    Dear All, I would be interested in what kind of ultrasound machine do you use in your unit for performing head scans and echocardiography? Thank you for your answer. Kind regards, Judit

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  10. Started by HickOnACrick,

    I took over the care of a 24 weeker who developed PIE at about 5 days of life. Baby was doing well on conventional vent (volume-targeted ventilation), when at day 3 their oxygenation and ventilation began worsening. By day 5, PiPs were in the high 20s/low 30s. By day 6, the decision was made to change to HFOV. Our attempts to wean MAP while keeping SpO2 >88% were unsuccessful. We were able to get the MAP from 18 down to 14, but attempts to wean lower resulted in worsening oxygenation. At DOL 7, I made the decision that unless we could get the PIE to resolve, we were likely going to lose the baby, so I changed the strategy. Weaning the MAP became the primary…