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Respiratory Support & Monitoring

Covers discussions on the technical aspects of respiratory support, monitoring and diagnostics.

  1. Hi I wonder if anybody is using fabian evolution for non invasive neonatal ventilation? There seem to be so many views / variation about the start up settings for DUOPAP mode? some use the same settings as in a ventilator mode. Others start with I-time of 1 second and frequency of 10-20/minutes There is also wide variation about start up Pduo setting and what would be max Pduo There are several devises in the market such as BIPAP & SIPAP..etc. Can they all be used in the same way when it comes to bi-level non invasive neonatal ventilation? I would appreciate sharing your local practice? and whether backed by evidence?

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  2. Started by bimalc,

    Does anyone have experience using a proximal flow sensor with an AVEA ventilator in Volume Guarantee mode? What is the smallest volume that can be reliably delivered?

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  3. Started by bimalc,

    Next generation sequencing (NGS) can have a high diagnostic yield in the patients admitted to NICU with suspected genetic disorder. However, because of cost (and other reasons) this testing is not always available.

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  4. Neonatal incubators are important tools for sick newborns in the first few days of life. Nevertheless, their electric engine, often very close to the newborn's body, emits electromagnetic fields (EMF) to which newborns are exposed. Aim of this paper is to review the available literature on EMF exposure in incubators, and the effects of such exposures on newborns that have been investigated. We retrieved 15 papers that described the EMF exposure in incubators and their biological effects on babies. EMF levels in incubators appear to be between 2 and 100 mG, depending on the distance of the mattress from the electric engine. In some cases, they exceed this range. These …

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  5. Started by ferac,

    Hi all: In our Neonatal Unit We have a new Babylog VN500. Someone who has experience with handling? Thank You. Fernando Agama C. Unidad de Neonatología Hospital "Dr. Enrique Garcés" Quito-Ecuador

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  6. I am cross-posting this from our FB-page. Anyone have experience?

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  7. Started by ashok,

    q1.can anybody suggest a good neonatal fingertip pulseoximeter or any lowcost pulseoximter working well for neonates for outpatient and postnatal ward use ? q2.what is the difficulty in making a fingertip pulseox for neonates when pediatric models are available ?any body know technical details,mechanism of finger pulseox/ links ?

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  8. The HIPSTER trial was published in NEJM the other week and it showed clearly that HFNC was inferior to nasal CPAP in the initial management of preterm infants (≥28 weeks). You can read the paper here: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1603694 @AllThingsNeonatal wrote a great blog post about his reflections on the paper. I would be great to hear about your non-invasive ventilatory support practises. Does anyone use HFNC as initial support, if so, what are your strategies and guidelines?

  9. According to my knowledge, if I have a case with PIE and I would like to use a conventional ventilator, I would use a low PEEP. Does anyone have an article which mentions that? In addition, can anyone let me know the settings they use on conventional ventilation for PIEs, using both with volume guaranteed and without? Thanks

  10. Started by ali,

    Hello, I would be grateful for experiences or opinions on the NOX Box delivery system. We currently use the INO Therapeutic delivery system and I am interested as to any differences noted by Units that have switched from INO over to NOX Box. Many thanks Ali

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