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Respiratory Support & Monitoring

Covers discussions on the technical aspects of respiratory support, monitoring and diagnostics.

  1. 404/5000 Hi all. I would like your experience in ventilation with guaranteed volume in premature babies under 750 grams. In my ucin I have a drager vn500 ventilator and a sle5000. Which one looks better ventilator for this function? What pco2 values do they tolerate? How to manage hypercapnia with this strategy? What maximum pressures do you tolerate at these weights before going into vafo?

  2. Started by LIA GRAVARI,

    Hello everyone, we have started seeing a push from anesthesia towards using microcuffed ETT at delivery Our CVICU service uses these ETT for their patients and don't have any adverse outcomes but they are only intubated for a short time Do any of you have experience on this matter? The literature I find is from anesthesia papers and seems to be favorable but refers to the perioperative period: http://www3.pedsanesthesia.org/newsletters/2018summer/procon-pro.html Thank you Getting with the Times.docx

  3. Started by nashwa,

    I want to ask if any one use medin CNO machine, NIPPV mode offers high pressure like generated by ventilator NIPPV or only 3 more Peep pressure like BiPAP Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

    • 2 replies
  4. In preparation form potential Covid+ or PUI in the delivery and NICU setting, viral filters are suggested while using self inflated resuscitators, NIV (high flow cannula, NIPPV, bubble CPAP, SiPAP, CPAP), and ventilators. Pediatric Viral filters are on back order and we have only adult viral filters of various specs depending on manufacturer (min 200 ml VT or > 125 ml VT for others). The representatives for Drager have stated that many are using their ventilators at the expiratory limb at the exhalation valve which we can do in the Bunnel Jet ventilator. We are awaiting feedback from Sensormedics for Oscillator. We are going to like going to a tent set up if patien…

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  5. Dear All, I will appreciate if some one can post protocols for use of NAVA (Servo i). and can describe their experience with it. Thanks. Ghulam Mustafa, MD

    • 3 replies
  6. Dear colleagues! Hope you all are doing well in 2020 :). Maybe anyone has an experience of using nebulisers in SLE 6000 and Leoni Plus ventilators? Some of our old machines need to be replaced and we have to make our choice about new ones. In good old and simple Newport E100 (reliable as Kalashnikov rifle by the way) there is a special port for nebuliser, making additional flow in circuit when activated. You only need a tube with medication's camera attaching to the Y-piece of the circuit and to switch on the particular button. How is it working for SLE 6000 and new Leoni Plus ventilators? The same way, or not? As far as I understood SLE has …

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  7. Started by RMM,

    I was wondering if anyone had experience with using the AccuVein in the NICU at all? It looks like it used a lot in the adult and paediatric populations but I haven't been able to find any information regarding its use or suitability in the NICU? Would be great to hear feedback from anyone that has used it!! I have attached an information sheet as well as link to their website. Thanks Richard https://www.mundipharma.com.au/products/accuvein/? AccuVein info sheet.pdf

  8. Any body using mobile lead partition for taking xrays in nicu to prevent radiation exposure to nearby babies and the technician. Kindly See the picture below. Any thing like that or what is your strateg

    • 3 replies
  9. Started by sudershan.kumari,

    I came acrross an article that neonates exposed to xray abdomen had 1:500 chance of developing malaignancy later, 3 times more that of c skull. Xray chest is the most often radiological intervention in nursery, for individual nicu baby, the number increases with ventilation, respiratory failure and development of complictions of ventialation;pneumonia, chronic luhg disesase, and air leak etc.Small size of neonates, a part of abdomen is mostly exposed to radiation. I would like to know, if there is any method to prevent radiation to abdomen while taking xray chest.Also what about preventing radiation to other babies in nicu. Any studies?

    • 3 replies
  10. Guest mmerocru
    Started by Guest mmerocru,

    What do you think about Medin CNO ? Is a CPAPn generator with benveniste sistem. Has anybody expirience with nasal VAFO. Any guidelines?

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